Chapter 1

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Alleyways were always dark. The dripping from rusty pipes echoed throughout the enclosed space. A tall man with graying hair walked down the dank alley that caused an echo that matched the dripping water. It must've been a late-night or early morning at the time. The man wore a long black trench coat that trailed behind him. The man, Jackson Kin, was a drug dealer. He was one of the biggest. Being one of the biggest drug dealers came with a permanent target on his back, but it was good target practice for his men.

Jackson felt eyes on his back. A feeling he was used to but those eyes felt different. There was a determined feeling to it. Jackson turned around to nothing. It was just an alleyway. The same alleyway he was just in. Jackson turned back around to continue walking but stopped. He jumped back when his eyes landed on a smaller man in front of him. Jackson stared at the smaller man. His brown hair looked black in the dim lighting, but Jackson couldn't see his eyes. The gray clothes the smaller man wore were damp and clung to his skin from sweat.

"Jackson Kin, notorious drug dealer," the brown-haired man stated with a dead voice. "Who are you and what do you want?" Jackson growled in his deep baritone voice. Jackson stood at a good 6'7" while the smaller man looked about 5'11". A significant difference but that wouldn't matter in the long run. "Who I am and what my purpose is shall not concern you," the man stated. Jackson furrowed his brow but didn't take his eyes off of the other.

The man looked up at Jackson and sent chills down his spine. The brown-haired man had green eyes that would be so beautiful if they weren't so dead. Jackson stiffened and brought his hand to where his gun would be. "Who are you?" Jackson sneered. The man stared at Jackson with the dark eyes that could unleash demons to those he stared long enough. "My name is Jonas. I am an AHDA agent, and my assignment is to kill you," Jonas sighed relentlessly. Nothing he did had any human feel to it.

"You're outnumbered, though," Jackson snickered. "No, I'm not. I already took care of your men before," Jonas sighed. Jackson quickly looked behind him to see if he could spot his mind. They were nowhere to be seen. Jackson looked back at Jonas and huffed. Jonas simply raised a hand and pointed upwards to the broken power lines and wooden planks above. Jackson followed Jonas's finger and quickly saw his usual two men dangling from the lines. Their throats were slit and they were tangled up in the power lines to where they couldn't fall. No human could do that.

"What the hell are you?" Jackson sneered. "As I said before, I am an AHDA agent. As the name says, I'm an advanced human, and this is where my assignment ends," Jonas stated before lunging at Jackson.

He moved at a fast speed. Jackson had no time to react before blood surged out from his neck. Jonas stood behind him with a knife in hand and watched Jackson fall to the ground as blood continued to squirt from the open slit. Jackson struggled to keep his hands on the wound and to contain the blood. He gurgled as blood entered his mouth.

"That really was easier than I first thought," Jonas said in his deadpan voice as he stared into Jackson's dying eyes. Jonas watched the life slowly drain from the dealer's eyes till they were almost as dead as his own. Jackson's body slowly went still but the blood still drained from his neck. He was dead. Jonas turned his back to him and walked away from the body.

As soon as Jonas walked out of the alleyway, the street phone nearest to him started to ring. Jonas walked up to it and picked up the phone. He waited. "Have you completed your assignment, Jonas?" a female voice asked from the other end of the call.

"Yes," Jonas answered.

"Good. I'll have a car sent to pick you up, and please don't get blood on the seats again. The stains were horrendous," the woman sighed. Jonas hummed in response and ended the call. Five minutes later, a black car pulled up to the side of the road next to Jonas and he obediently got in. "Any blood?" the driver asked as he pulled into the road. "No... Just sewer water," Jonas answered. "That's almost as bad," the driver groaned as he drove back to the airport. They were expected to fly back to Boston that same night.

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