Chapter 20

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Percy sat on the kitchen floor. The light only had one of the two light bulbs working, so the room was a dim gray. Tear stains trailed down Percy's face and his eyes were duller than they had been before. Percy's phone sat beside him on the ground. It was turned on silent but the screen didn't turn off from all of the texts and calls he had been receiving from Captain Yang and Crystal.

Percy looked down at his shaking hands. They were wet from wiping his tears away. Percy squeezed his eyes shut and furrowed his brows. He hadn't slept that much since his nightmares had returned, but they were even worse. Percy rested his head against the cabinets behind him and sighed heavily.

Bob slowly approached Percy and meowed softly. Percy glanced down and looked at Bob sitting at his feet. He sat up and reached his hand out for Bob to rub against. Percy scratched behind Bob's ear and listened to his quiet purrs. A yawn started to erupt from Percy and felt himself grow more tired.

Percy glared down at his phone. The screen was bright and blared at Percy. People would not stop texting him. They wanted to know if he was okay or if he was holding up after the incident. He just didn't care anymore. Percy reached down to flip the phone over when Yang started to call him. Percy furrowed his brow as he contemplated whether or not to answer the call. He decided not to.

Percy brought his attention back to Bob when Aiden started to call him again. Why was he being so persistent? Percy sighed and denied the call again, but he called again. Percy groaned and answered the call with an annoyed, "What do you want?" "I want you to answer your phone," Aiden sighed.

Percy furrowed his brow and mumbled, "What is so important that you and Crystal blow up my phone?" Aiden sighed from his end of the phone and started, "If you weren't being such an asshole, you wouldn't be in the same rut you were in before." "If this is about work then I don't give a shit. I don't plan on going back any--" "Percy! Jonas is alive, and he is in the hospital right now!" Aiden blurted out.

Percy stared off at the ground and tried to process what Aiden had just told him. It was a lie. It had to be. Percy saw Jonas fall... He was dead... right? "What?" Percy squeaked. "Jonas is in the hospital, and... I know what you're doing to yourself. Percy, please, come to the hospital and I'll explain everything," Aiden sighed.

Percy's shoulders stiffened and he let out a shaky breath. No matter how much he hated it... he felt a glimpse of hope that he didn't lose the last piece of happiness he had gained. "Okay," Percy mumbled and dropped the phone from his ear.

Percy walked into the hospital lobby and quickly spotted Aiden and Crystal sitting in two uncomfortable chairs by the wall. Percy wore a bulky tan jacket and black sweatpants. He was tired. Crystal stood up from her chair and waited for Percy. She crossed her arms when Percy stood in front of her in his tired state.

"I know, I know... I look like shit," Percy mumbled as he stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets. "I wasn't gonna say that," Crystal smiled sadly.

Percy shrugged his shoulders and felt Crystal examining his face. He knew she saw the bags under his eyes, the tear stains, and the claw marks from his own anger. "So... Do you know how Jonas is?" Percy mumbled. "Well, we've currently been too busy with getting your attention to ask," Aiden grumbled.

Percy shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Could've just physically come to my house," he grumbled. "We did! You just didn't answer the door the five times we tried," Aiden retorted. Percy furrowed his brow and muttered, "Oh... My bad."

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy saw a male doctor walking towards him. Crystal looked over and stiffened. "Are you all here for Jonas Abernanthy?" the doctor asked. Percy furrowed his brow and looked towards Aiden and Crystal as he mumbled, "Who?" Aiden sat up and smiled, "Apparently, Jonas's last name is Abernanthy. I found it in his records."

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