Chapter 2

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Jonas woke up to the same AC sound mixing into background noise. Like every morning, he went through the same morning routine just as everyone else did. Jonas dressed in the same gray uniform as all the other days. He walked out of his room and to the elevators. Luckily, he had no run-ins with Elis again since the whole elevator situation a few days ago.

Jonas went down to the 2nd floor. The floor where they were given their new assignments. He was getting quite impatient. He never agreed with having to wait for his next assignment. Jonas was the only one who had to wait and no one else. He never knew why.

The elevator came to a stop on the 2nd floor. The doors opened as Jonas took a deep breath. He exited the elevator and made his way over to the desk where a red-haired woman sat. She sat at a curved desk that surrounded shelves and shelves of assignments that went further back. Every single assignment that had gone through the AHDA was there. The woman was typing away at the computer and occasionally pushed her thin-rimmed glasses back up on the bridge of her nose. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. A bit young to be working in such a job. She had the job of giving out assignments. One of the important jobs.

Jonas walked up to the desk and said, "Excuse me, miss." The woman jumped up in her seat. "Oh! You startled me, sorry," she said with a hand resting on her chest. "My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you," Jonas said, trying to sound more sincere than monotone. "It's alright. Are you Jonas?" The lady asked looking up to meet his deep green eyes. "Yes. I'm here for my assignment," Jonas said. "Um... Let me go find your folder," the lady said as she got up and went into the thousands of folders holding every assignment. Jonas stood still as the lady searched for his new assignment. "Um... What's your code?" the lady asked from the shelves. "12-31-05."

The code every agent from the AHDA had been given had the date they were recruited. If someone had the same date, they would have #1 or whatever number they were. There were many cases like that, but Jonas was the only one recruited on New Year's Eve in 2005. He had been about five when he was recruited that day. He never remembered much from that time... it must've been because he was too young to remember anything about all of those incidents. It was best that he didn't remember those.

"Found it!" the lady exclaimed after she grabbed Jonas's newest folder from the shelf. The woman walked back to where Jonas was standing at the desk. "There were so many folders with your code that I couldn't find the newest one that you needed. It's amazing how you're able to do so many," the lady smiled brightly as she sat down and accessed the "Into Action" sheet for the assignment on the computer. It was just to keep tabs on every agent and know where they were.

The woman started typing in all of the required information for Jonas to officially start the assignment. After about a minute, the woman stopped typing and looked up at Jonas. "Okay! You're all set. You can go to the police station downtown to meet your temporary partner. Be careful. We've heard that he's not very pleasant to work with," the woman advised with a smile as she handed the folder to Jonas. "Thank you," Jonas said as he walked to the elevator.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me! Really? I'm being partnered with one of those weird AHDA agents? What the fuck?" Detective Percival Reeves shouted at Captain Aiden Yang. "Sit. Down. Reeves," the captain growled in a harsh low tone. He was obviously angry with Percival. Percival sat down with a huff. His light blonde hair that closely matched his light pale skin was disheveled from the night before, and his turquoise eyes were dark and lit with anger. His hair was longer on the top than the sides, so his enraged eyes were able to hide from Yang's equally angry stare.

Yang sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He knew that Percival with a partner would be an absolute dumpster fire. "He'll be coming today to help finish this case," the captain sighed.

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