Chapter 5

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Jonas soon woke up to Percival swearing at him. Where the hell was he? His motel room. Jonas looked around and noticed that Percival was soon glaring at him. He was pissed beyond anything. The tension in the room got thick and hot. "Can I help you?" Jonas groaned. He couldn't move.

"What the fuck happened? You run off and then you pass out on a roof! What the fuck was that? Huh! You could've died up there, dumb-ass!" Percival yelled. Jonas was silent, but then, "Diego." "What?" Percival snared. "Diego! Diego Smyth! That's who he was! That's the man who abducted the girl!" Jonas remembered with astonishment. "Her name's Eve."

Jonas sat up from his previous state. "What time is it?" Jonas asked hastily. "5:42. Where do you think you're going?" Percival shouted. Jonas stumbled to the bathroom. He was an absolute mess while he walked like a drunk man. "I just need to fully wake up! That's all," Jonas said as he leaned up against the sink. He splashed water in his face, but it didn't work. He could barely feel his body.

Jonas stumbled and fell into the bathtub. "Can you help me?" Jonas mumbled to Percival. He was dumbfounded. How was he so determined to do God knows what? Percival walked over to see Jonas trying to get his head under the tub faucet. He was more concerned than annoyed now. His brow furrowed. "You need rest," Percival said, grabbing onto Jonas.

"No, I need to get to the AHDA so that I can get more information on Diego," Jonas said, trying to get out of Percival's grip. He couldn't move his arms that well. Needless to say, Percival had the upper hand and pulled him out of the tub. "No. You're getting some rest, dipshit," Percival said, dragging Jonas to the bed. "No, please! I could stop the murders and get Eve back," Jonas pleaded, still struggling to get away from Percival.

"Look," Percival said, getting Jonas to lay down, " I'll put in a report at the station, but you need rest." Jonas gave in, "Get me a glass of water, though." Percival wondered, but he didn't question him. Percival walked to the sink and filled a glass with water. "Here," he said, giving the glass to Jonas. He was prepared for anything Jonas would try to do to get away, though. Jonas reached over to the bed table with the lamp on it to a pill bottle.

"What're the pills for?" Percival asked. Never expected an AHDA agent would be on medication. "Pills to help keep me from having emotions," Jonas answered before he took a pill. The pills were a deep nebula blue and shiny. Why were they shiny? "So, you being emotionless isn't permanent?" Percival asked, pointing to Jonas. "Not entirely. Over time my emotions will start to come back to me," Jonas explained to him. "What did the AHDA bastards do to you to make you so fucked up?" Percival asked. What happened to make Jonas a prime candidate for being able to kill someone with no remorse? "It was an accident."

Percival furrowed his brows. "They were trying to make me just lack remorse or hesitation, but there was an accident. They damaged the amygdala that made it stop working essentially. It only works when I have an adrenaline rush. These pills numb the amygdala so that I don't feel anything during assignments," Jonas explained.

Percival took a second to fully understand what information he now had. "Well, shit." Jonas simply grinned at the man's reaction to hear his "backstory". "I'll go report what you said about... Diego Smyth," Percival started heading to the door. He looked back at Jonas and flipped him off. Jonas returned the gesture and Percival left the motel.

Two days had passed and Jonas walked into the police station. He was only ten minutes early. Little later than he would've liked. To no one's surprise, Percival was actually late to his shift as always. "Detective Reeves, we should go to the medical examiner's office to get the official report on the victim," Jonas said before Percival could sit down. "Jesus," he groaned. Jonas was already back to work before like nothing had happened.

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