Chapter 14

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It had been a couple of slow days. Nothing had happened. No new murders. No new leads. Percy and Jonas grew increasingly irritated with the unknown location of the runaways. Jonas, however, was getting frustrated with the case as a whole. The two were currently at the police station.

Jonas was deep in the files of the previous murders to see if he could find any clues or indications of the new location the runaways had moved to. Percy was on his third cup of coffee. Many people in the station had felt the tension they had given off from their frustration.

Jonas swayed in his chair and chewed on the tip of this thumb. He leaned back on his chair. He needed a moment to breathe and try to get rid of his headache. Percy glanced at Jonas. He had just finished his third cup of coffee and he was debating whether or not to get a fourth. "I need some air," Jonas mumbled before walking off to the back door. "Be careful," Percy called back to him. He saw Jonas nod slightly and continue walking away. Circumstances were really shitty.

Jonas walked out of the back door of the police station and into the alleyway. He remembered his encounter with Diego. He really hoped he would show up no matter how bad he was. Jonas leaned up against the brick wall he usually would if he were out there. He really needed some fresh air. His headache ceased and he could think more clearly than before.

Jonas looked up and gazed at the sky. Clouds were scattered around the part of the sky he could see. It looked like it could rain. Jonas looked back down and gently hit the side of his fist against the brick wall repeatedly. He tugged on the sleeve of his jacket. Luckily, he didn't have to borrow any of Percy's jackets since they had done the laundry the other day.

"You do know you're in danger when you're alone, right?" Diego called from the opening of the alleyway. Jonas looked over at him and glared. Diego's dreads draped over his shoulders and his hair partially covered his eyes. Jonas couldn't really see Diego's face nor his expression. "What?" Diego questioned. "Why did you relocate?" Jonas inquired harshly. Diego was silent and then muttered, "We were about to get caught."

"Why can't you just let it go?" Jonas questioned. Diego perked his head up in surprise. "You remember," he murmured. Jonas stared at Diego and furrowed his brow. What exactly was wrong with him? "So?" Jonas retorted. Diego looked away and mumbled, "I'll see you later." Before Jonas could say anything, Diego was gone. Jonas looked around and decided to go back inside.

Percy spun around in his chair slowly. He was bored out of his mind. He twirled a pen in his hand as he spun around. He wasn't really thinking about anything in particular. Work was long and slow. Percy perked his head up when Jonas sat back down in his chair. "Feel better?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm still bored, though," Jonas murmured.

Percy smiled and replied, "It's slow today. I am too." Jonas leaned back in his chair and checked the time on his computer. It was only 12:47. They got off at 3. Jonas groaned and rubbed his nose. Percy stared up at the ceiling and continued to spin in circles.

"Wanna go to the breakroom?" Jonas inquired. Percy mumbled, "Sure." Jonas stood up and walked over to Percy and stopped his spinning. "Are you trying to make yourself sick?" Jonas scolded. Percy looked and rolled his eyes. He immediately stood up, but he got up too quickly and lost his balance almost instantly. Jonas caught Percy before he almost fell completely over. "See?" Jonas smirked. Percy rolled his eyes again and regained his balance. He and Jonas walked to the breakroom.

Annie, Crystal, and Elis stood around a circular table and were talking happily. Percy and Jonas walked straight to the vending machines that sat in the far left corner of the room. It was relatively near where Annie, Crystal, and Elis were standing.

"What do ya want?" Percy questioned, not batting an eye at Jonas. He, himself, was gazing at the options until Jonas pointed with his fingertip on the glass. Percy held back from laughing. Jonas was pointing at a package of toaster pastries. Strawberry flavored toaster pastries.

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