Chapter 10

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Jonas and Percy walked out of the police department. Nothing really happened that day. It was slow and quiet. They had conversations with Crystal, Elis, and Annie. The drive back to Percy's house was quiet and slow as well. They didn't do much upon arriving at his house. Jonas just took a nap while Percy played with the cats. He curled on the couch as he started to dream again.

Jonas opened his eyes and looked around. He groaned. He was in the white room again. He had had enough the other night. Jonas looked around and saw the same disgusting absence of color. The same hallway appeared and Jonas sighed. He walked down and hated every second. The voice was back.

Jonas looked over to his right where the voice's origin came from. Another hallway. There wasn't a turn last time. Jonas didn't think much of it and walked down the hallway. It got darker. Jonas felt uneasy as the white slowly faded to black. Pitch black. He couldn't see a thing, but he kept following the voice. Jonas didn't see it, but he ran into a wall. He felt along the wall before the ground fell below him. Jonas fell and landed on his feet in a rather familiar room. He looked around and saw himself... as a child. Jonas didn't know the room he was in but it felt so familiar.

"Are you ready, Jonas?" a voice called from the other side of a door. Jonas recognized that voice. Dr. Gray. She peered through the small window of the door. Jonas nodded. It was sad. Jonas observed Dr. Gray unlocking the door and dragging Jonas away. Was he locked in there? What the hell? Jonas walked after them and noticed how his younger self looked scared. He was shaking as they walked. Was that before the accident? Jonas continued to follow them and recognized the elevators. They were in the AHDA and that was before the accident.

Jonas looked at his rapid shaking when they rode the elevator to the 100th floor. The place was sterling white. Absolutely disgusting. "What are you going to do to me?" the younger Jonas asked. Dr. Gray looked down at him. Something was off in her eyes. She lacked any remorse she should have for the child. It was her job to advance children even if it was painful. "Nothing too painful. Just a minor brain surgery to modify your emotions," Dr. Gray reassured. She was fucking lying. Younger Jonas nodded his head and continued to walk with Dr. Gray with the actual Jonas following. They entered a room with a bed. A medical bed was the only thing occupying the room. Nothing else was there. Dr. Gray lifted Jonas up on the bed and another doctor wheeled in a small table.

"Don't worry. That'll put you to sleep so you don't feel any pain," Dr. Gray ringed in a forced sweet voice. Jonas cringed as he watched Dr. Gray inject anesthesia into his younger self. It didn't take long for him to get too sleepy to respond. Dr. Gray assumed he was asleep. She was wrong. The doctor asked Dr. Gray, "What shall we do?" "We numb the amygdala. You know what we use," Dr. Gray instructed. She was vague enough for Jonas to not know what she meant. What the hell did they use? Everything got hazy. Jonas didn't have another memory until during the surgery. He was awake.

Jonas watched as his younger self looked around. The doctors were performing his surgery. "Doctor, he's awake!" one of the doctors noticed. Jonas saw Dr. Gray rush to the younger one and swear under her breath. The younger Jonas started to panic. He didn't know what was happening. "Ma'am, what do we do?" one of the doctors asked. Dr. Gray moved the doctor and took over the surgery. "Simple," she whispered. Jonas saw a very blurry Dr. Gray injected his younger brain.

"What are you doing? You'll make him entirely emotionless!" one of the doctors protested. "That's the point," Dr. Gray smiled, "Get them out of here." Jonas watched one of the doctors drag the one doctor out of the room. Everything was silent until the gunshot. What the fuck was that? Did they kill him? Dr. Gray smiled under her mask and continued her work.

Jonas then realized... There was no accident. She meant to make him that way. She meant to break him. She meant to make him a fucking monster.

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