Chapter 13

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The drive back to Percy's house wasn't as awkward as it could've been. Jonas looked out of the window like he usually did but he was more relaxed than he was before. Percy drove in the silence but soon broke it. He didn't really know what to talk about so he asked, "Anything you want to eat tonight?" Jonas glanced over and thought. What did he want? He didn't really care about what he ate, but he didn't want to be too much of a bother.

"Uh... Soup," Jonas decided and his face lit up. Percy chuckled but questioned, "Okay, but what kind?" Jonas looked off with his eyes wide. He had absolutely no idea. "I... don't know," he mumbled. Percy smiled and laughed, "Guess it'll be a surprise for later." Jonas perked his head up with pure excitement. Percy sighed and continued to drive home.

Percy and Jonas didn't do much for a couple of hours when they were home. It was about 6:03 when Percy decided to start dinner. He looked through his cabinets for his soup cans. However, he couldn't decide between making something from scratch or just using canned soup.

Percy stood in his kitchen and leaned against the countertop. He thought it would be better if he made his own soup. He liked cooking strangely enough. Percy looked through his cabinet and fridge for everything he needed to make a simple soup. He gathered everything and set them on the counter. Jonas was sitting on the couch but he started watching Percy cook.

Jonas sat backward on the couch with his chin resting on the back of the couch. The T.V. playing was only background noise to the two of them. Jonas watched Percy walk around the kitchen doing things he didn't know about. "What exactly are you making?" Jonas questioned loud enough to be heard. Percy glanced over but kept his attention to his cooking. "Something homemade, but it's still a surprise for you," he answered.

Jonas pouted and continued to watch him. Lola and Bob jumped to the back of the couch and sat on both sides of Jonas to join his observing. Percy continued to cut up things Jonas couldn't exactly see. Jonas stretched his arm out so that he would rest his head on his forearm.

Percy spent about two hours in the kitchen with Jonas blindly watching his movements. Percy looked over at Jonas. He was still watching him cook blindly. Percy sighed and set the pot of soup on the stove to cook. Jonas slumped down on the couch and sighed. He had gotten bored as soon as Percy was done cooking. He had to wait.

Percy walked over and looked down at Jonas. "Move over," he laughed. Jonas glared up at Percy and reluctantly fell over to the side. Percy rolled his eyes and lifted Jonas's legs so that he could sit down. Jonas's legs laid in Percy's lap and Bob jumped down and laid down on Jonas's back.

Percy glanced downward at Jonas and smiled. It wasn't much but it was nice. Jonas laid on his stomach and stared at the T.V. He actually didn't know what was playing. It was an old police show. Maybe from the 2010s. He didn't really know. Percy and Jonas sat in silence and watched the show as it played through until the soup Percy had made was done cooking.

The two didn't know how much time had gone by until the timer Percy had set went off. Jonas lifted his legs up so that Percy could get up. Bob still laid asleep on Jonas's back so he couldn't move. Percy walked into the kitchen and took the pot off of the stove. He reached into a nearby cabinet for two bowls. One for him, one for Jonas. Jonas listened to Percy's movement and wondered how he was going to get up.

"Stuck again?" Percy chimed from the kitchen. Jonas grumbled, "Yeah." He could hear Percy's chuckle. "Bob! Come here, fuzz-ball!" Percy shouted. Bob instantly jumped up from Jonas's back. He felt the two paws dig into his back when Bob had jumped up.

Jonas looked over the back of the couch and saw Lola and Bob eating from their food dish. "You know you can just move and he'll get off, right?" Percy inquired. Jonas frowned and mumbled, "But he's so peaceful when he sleeps." Percy started to laugh and chuckled, "You are so fucking soft." Jonas laid his chin on the back of the couch and frowned. It was true. He was getting soft.

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