Chapter 16

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Percy sat at his desk and furrowed his brows at the three pictures of the buildings from the block he had been investigating. He narrowed down the top places the runaway could've been to three buildings, but he couldn't search them by himself. He was trying to figure out how he was going to persuade Captain Yang to help him with the search. He was at a loss. Captain Yang gave the final word for things like mass searches, so if he said no it was not happening.

Percy had gone over every attempt in his head which all led to denial. He was getting frustrated with himself and decided to stop thinking about it. He had given himself a headache. "Wassup, asshole?" Crystal joked as she leaned against Percy's desk. He glanced up and joked back, "Nothing much, shithead."

Crystal smiled and suppressed a giggle. "How's the research going?" she inquired. Everyone knew what Percy was doing and knew to stay away from him if they didn't want to get snapped at. Percy sighed and grumbled, "I've got three locations, but--" "But you need to get permission from Yang," Crystal laughed.

Percy groaned and slouched down in his chair. She was right. She almost always was. Crystal looked back and glanced at Yang's office. He was at his desk and was working on some paperwork. He was fast at work and didn't need any distractions. What was he doing, though?

Crystal sighed and pushed herself off of Percy's desk. She turned around and picked up the papers on Percy's desk and got a questioning look from Percy. She leaned down and pulled Percy up from his seat. "Let's go, coward!" she laughed as she dragged Percy towards Yang's office. "Wait, Crystal!" Percy protested but was ignored.

Crystal and Percy burst into Captain Yang's office and immediately caught his attention. "Crystal, Percy?" he murmured. Percy stood slightly behind Crystal. She stepped to the side and left Percy in Yang's line of sight. "Do you need something?" Aiden questioned, slightly annoyed. Percy froze but Crystal quickly interjected, "Percy needs some assistance." Aiden raised an eyebrow at the two.

"I uh... found three locations I think the runaways are stationed," Percy murmured. Aiden's expression immediately changed and he straightened his posture. "And?" he questioned. Percy gained his composure and continued, "I need search teams to go through the buildings to look for the runaways and Jonas."

Aiden glanced at his computer and then back at Percy. He took a moment to think over what Percy had meant. He needed to form three individual teams. Aiden gazed at Percy and questioned, "Are the locations on those papers?" He gestured to the papers Crystal was holding. Percy quickly nodded his head and Crystal laid the papers on Aiden's desk.

Percy watched Aiden look through the papers and listened carefully. "I'll get to assigning the teams," Aiden smiled as he looked up at Crystal and Percy. "Sir, I... I have a request," Percy interjected. Aiden raised his head and gestured for Percy to continue. "I wish to be on one of the teams," Percy stated.

Aiden thought over Percy's request. It was logical, but Percy had a strong connection that could interfere with his work performance. He couldn't deny that Percy was very strategic and figured out how to get around the runaways without being detected if needed. Percy knew it would be risky if he was on one of the teams, but it was a risk he wanted to take.

"Alright," Aiden sighed. Percy straightened his back and couldn't hold back his relieved smile. "Thank you," he breathed and barely audible. Aiden did hear it and smiled, "You're welcome. Now, I have some new work to do." Crystal and Percy nodded and quickly left Captain Yang's office.

"See? Not that hard," Crystal laughed as they walked back to Percy's desk. "Yeah, but... I was just nervous about my request," Percy sighed. Crystal returned back to her leaning position against Percy's desk and questioned, "Is all this that important to you? You could die." Percy clenched his fists and stated, "The runaways have taken away so much. I didn't really know how the victims' friends and families felt, but... now I do."

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