Chapter 9

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Jonas and Percy stood outside the interrogation room. "Their name's Callum Richards. They were an AHDA agent," Crystal informed before they walked in. Jonas nodded to her before he walked in, and the door closed. Callum wore what they had the day they were caught strangling Jonas. "Callum?" Percy called to them. Callum looked up and sneered, "I prefer Cam." "Cam," Percy corrected respectfully. "Ya see... it sounds less... male-like," Cam laughed. Percy and Jonas sat down across from him.

"Other officers have informed us that you are?" Percy led on. "Non-binary. Don't be an ass about it," Cam sighed. "I wasn't. I needed to get things straight on how to refer to you. I'm not an asshole like other people," Percy explained to Cam. Jonas took in the information. Cam was non-binary, and Percy didn't stand for any bigotry.

"Why did you attack me?" Jonas shuttered. Cam leaned in on the table and whispered, "I'm just following orders." Jonas stiffened up at their words. "Who ordered you?" Jonas shook. "Diego did. You should know this by now," Cam laughed. They were teasing him.

"I figured, but why? Why is he not just killing me?" Jonas bellowed. Cam sat there. "That dude really wasn't fuckin' lying. You don't remember shit," Cam discovered. They sat back in the metal chair with arms crossed over their chest. "What do I not remember?" Jonas questioned. "Not my place to say," Cam retorted. "What do you mean?" Jonas quivered.

"Diego is the one with an old connection with you, not me," Cam answered. Jonas was silent. What history? Jonas only remembered Diego asking him to run away with him. Nothing else came to his mind, but it felt like there was something missing. "How do you know about the case?" Jonas changed the subject. "Because I killed the guy." Jonas and Percy gaped at Cam. Did they confess that easily? It must've been a lie. No one would confess that easily.

"So... you killed him," Jonas repeated their words. "Yup, hit the back of the head and whacked his arm till it fell off," Cam confirmed. "Looks like you're staying here a little longer," Percy sighed. "Tell me, is there anyone behind that glass?" they asked, gesturing towards the one-sided glass window. "No." That simple answer was enough to make Cam smile.

Cam was able to flip over the table and break the handcuffs they were in. Someone didn't check them. "Shit!" Percy snapped. Before Percy or Jonas could move to the door, Cam grabbed Percy's arm. They needed physical contact in order to copy someone's body and they got Percy. Jonas tried to tackle them to the ground, but Cam threatened, "I don't think you want a repeat of yesterday." Jonas froze. Unfortunately, Cam's copying caused the person they copied to pass out. They never knew why. It just happened. "Come with me," Cam commanded as they copied into Percy and pulled on his jacket. Jonas shuttered and obeyed.

Cam and Jonas walked out of the interrogation room. No one knew something was off since Cam copied Percy. Jonas followed Cam out of the station. They walked around for a couple of minutes until Cam turned into an alleyway. There was another person there. Diego stood in the dark alleyway. He still had his long dreads in the half ponytail. "Jonas!" he exclaimed, turning around, "I see Cam did a good job." Jonas stiffened his shoulders.

"What do you want from me?" Jonas questioned. "What I want? I want you to fucking remember! Leave the AHDA and help us bring justice!" Diego snapped. "This isn't justice. This is murder," Jonas retorted. Diego sighed, "They really fucked with your head, didn't they?" Jonas stood there with his fists clenched. "Get out of that copy," Diego commanded and Cam complied. Cam brushed off Percy's jacket and handed it back to Jonas. "Now," Diego trailed off.

Jonas backed away from him but it was useless. "Take it," Diego demanded, bringing out a small pill. They looked exactly like Jonas's pills. "Calm down. It's not poison. I just stole one of your pills," Diego groaned. Jonas hesitantly took the pill and shoved it in his pocket. "Now, go." "What? How long are you going to be doing this?" Cam bellowed.

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