Can you love me for me

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Sarah's POV
Morning came and I open my eyes to the empty side of the bed where he lay. I felt sad but I had no time to dwell on this emotion. I must prepare for to go on campus, I only had two classes today and so did Alexis maybe I could convince her to come home with me today especially since Janet was out visiting family and would be back till Sunday. Today being Thursday I had a long lonely wait ahead of me.

"Psst Alexis wanna come chill with me at home today you could stay over Janet is out, won't be back tonight."

"Nah Sarah I would have to pass I don't feel that burst of energy today that I normally feel. And my boyfriend should be visiting me at home later while my parents are out celebrating their anniversary but I'll make it up to you, promise", she said before turning back to face the teacher.

Soon both my classes was over and I tried my best to delay going home. What would I be doing in a three room house all alone. It was 6 in the evening when I realized I just could not delay no more so I drove myself home. I open my door and made my way up to my bedroom, to put my belongings down and shower. The light in my room seem very dim, I wonder what was wrong as I opened my door. What I saw had me speechless a table was placed in the middle of my bedroom with lit candles and champagne. Food was covered under golden covers and at one end of the table was Leon and on the other end a empty chair.

"So are you going to sit Sarah", he asked sounding a little annoyed.

"Yes sure but what are you biting at me. I didn't do anything wrong", I said.

" You should of been home already Sarah, you should know it ain't safe out this hours of the night", he urged.

"It's not even 8 yet."

"Look again!", he shouted.

" Damn 10, I didn't even know it was this late. My watch told me 6."

"Then probably it's time you get one that's actually working now sit down and let's eat before everything gets cold."

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