The Queen turn to move

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Leon's POV
"OK this is getting hard to watch", said my mother rising from her throne to face my father. " Simon stop this at once, you are frightening the poof girl, release her from your grip. She is not at fault here, we are for producing such a stubborn heir. But he is your son."

"You are always siding with the boy Sadara and this is why we keep having these problems because he knows his dear mother will come to his rescue. I should of known you were in on this because I could scent you all over her", said my dad as he release Sarah.

"Am not in on anything the dress she is wearing I brought it for her for today."

"Now if that's not siding I don't know what that is."

"It's making sure she is presentable to meet the King, nothing else."

In all the fussing my parents did not see Sarah ran into my arms because they were too busy arguing, maybe I should just take this chance and leave. Yes indeed that's what I will do.

"Now stop right there Mister, I told you not to take her here because I know how your dad would react but you refused to listen and its why we are now in this mess. So don't you dare try sneaking away when you're father and I are having a conversation about you. Believe me the mood I am in you don't want me to come looking for you either."

"Yes Mam!"

"Now Simon apologize to the young Lady and let's discuss this properly and not like animals. She don't deserve your wrath", said my mother sitting back down in her throne."

My dad look quite annoyed but I know this was the end of it. My mother normally supports her husband every decision without intervention unless she saw that it was necessary and when she did intervene her counsel was well respected. This is how I wish to rein with my future queen.

"In respect for your mother son, am willing to hear you out but make sure it's worth it."

Insides Leon's mind
Sarah:Leon please get me out of here now
Leon:I will Sarah but first we sort this out
Sadara: What is she doing here. How is she able to speak to you in your mind. Normally only vampires access their human spouse's mind and they communicate there. Unless, unless. This can't be possible.
Conversation ended.

"Mother what just happened", I asked.

"Apparently son you and your wife to be share the two way connection."

"That I knew but why are you able to hear her thoughts directed at me and my thoughts directed at her. How can you read my mind even, aren't our powers only suppose to work on humans."

"Lol son I am Grand queen I can do with minds as I like. Plus when you are of royal blood you can read any vampire's mind and have them do your bidding as well as any human. Didn't I tell you this once already."

"What you did not tell me is you can spie on conversations within my head."

"Its not spying. It's an ability a Grand queen unlocks whenever her son mates and find true love. Its meant to strength the bond between mother and child. It's the way nature keep me connected with you even when you married and am no longer priority to you. Blame the Grand witches son, as it turns out they were scared of loosing their son's, so they cast a spell that bonds them together even after the son mates."

"So what do some withes have to do with us we are vampires."

"Smh son the first set of Vampires were created by witches and while we are of royal blood, I am decesended from Grand witches. Your grandmother was a Grand white witch and so am I."

"You are a witch, how am I just knowing this now."

"If I had told you, would you have believed me."

"This is besides the point, does dad even known."

"Son I married your mother how could I not know and let's not stray away from what's really important here. You and your mom can have this conversation later."

"OK, I wish to married Sarah, I swear dad that she will be the last and only other human girl I will ever bring in your presence."

"Son I can't allow it."

"Simon am afraid there is not much to do about this. They share the two way connection."

"What you gonna defend him with this witch nonsense."

"Ask him for yourself, I heard their conversation within Leon's head. Normally the human must only speak in her head but this one can speak back in his mind."

"The two way connection has never been proven it's a myth."

"Simon didn't you and I have the two way connection."

"That's different Sadara you were a witch."

"But I was still human. Hear me once and hear me now. Whether or not you like it. These two was faithed together. The fact that I am hearing not only his thoughts in his head but hers also. The prophecy as once again been fulfilled there is no denying that."

"Is that true son, can she speak with you in your mind and can your mother read both thoughts."

"Yes dad but isn't it normal for us to have mental conversations and I too was shocked when I heard mom's voice in my head."

"Yes son but not in your head only in hers", my dad responded rubbing his head. "Well I guess its settled then. You have found your bride. It took many years and she isn't a vampire but I must accept what has been faithed. Take her to your room and I shall announced the good news to everyone tomorrow."

Word from author
Hi did you think things would turn out this way. Leon's Father give his consent to married to a human. I guess this story might be coming to an end sooner than I thought as well as it might not. Let's see what happen next. Again thanks to whoever is reading this I appreciated it very much. #93 in suspense, still a good place to be so am absolutely honoured and a little lonely. Don't be afraid to comment my reader/readers lol. I don't mind hearing from you.

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