On our way

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Leon's POV
I followed my mother to where she assures me we would find Sarah with anger still tense in my body I literally prayed the person who help Rolan was near. I followed my mom down a familiar street and then to a familiar house. I was confused as to what we were doing here.

"Are you sure this is where she is mom?"

"Yes son I saw it clear and I don't make these simple mistakes, am years in my craft", responded my mother.

"What is it son?", asked my father.

"Don't you guys know who live here", I asked giving them a questioning look.

" No!", they responded in union.

"Well shall we go inside then", I said.

They both walked passed me and head towards the door, I followed closely behind.

" Shall I knock or give it my special touch?", asked my mother.

I stood uninterested I just wanted to go inside and sort this out as quickly as possible so I can go back to looking for Sarah, my father's eyes widen with excitement.

"Special touch", responded my father.

" Really dad?"

"What I have not seen your mother do that in a while."

"Let's just get on with it so I can go back to looking for Sarah."

My mother rolled her eyes at me before returning her attention back to the door. By the time I could take another breathe the environment around us got extremely windy and the door flew directly off his inches and shattered into pieces. Then we all stepped inside. When my mother and father saw who sat at the couch inside they went speechless.

"Ok, can we go back to looking for Sarah now?"

"No son this is where Sarah is, I can assure you of that", responded my mother. "But son why is she here?"

"This is her house mother that's why am asking if you are sure."

"Stand right here son, don't let her go anywhere am a show you how sure I am."

With that said my mother headed up the stairs in full vampire speed to return later with a weak looking Sarah in her arms.

Sarah's POV
I heard walking outside I was curious as to who it was, I was curious as to who brought me here and why the sudden change in warders.

"Hello who is there?"

"Move away from the door", answered a familiar voice and I did just that.

The door flew off his inches and shattered into a million pieces. I fell lightheaded as I got up to fast to greet her.

"Your Highness."

"Sarah dear, come here", she said and just like that I ran to her. She looked at the chain on my ankle and it shattered to pieces. Soon after we were on our way down the stairs. I felt so weak like I was about to faint until I saw the faces staring back at me.
The King, Leon and Alexis, oh how happy I was to be seeing Alexis but I didn't know they knew her. I might of mentioned her to him and he bought her here with them cause he knows I would want to see her. Oh how I love this man. I ran firstly to Leon.

" I missed you so much, I love you so much. Thanks for bringing Alexis here, it's so comforting that you brought my best friend."

"Best friend, wait you know her?" Asked Leon.

"Yes Leon didn't you brought her here for me", I question.

"No I didn't, this is her house."

"What do you mean her house?"

"I mean she had you here, hostage in a room, chained by the looks of it."

"That makes no sense Leon why would she do that she is my best friend."

" She is my ex girlfriend Sarah."

"Ex girlfriend, damn don't tell me you the guy she has been telling me about. So that means am also the girl she has been talking about. The girl I told her to kill", I said as I fainted.

Leon's POV
My mother instructed that we take Sarah home, allow her to rest and regain her strength. We also took Alexis too knowing we would have to deal with her later on.

Word from Author
Hey guys I should warn you my book is almost coming to its end I think lol. You see I don't know, I just take up my phone or sit on my computer and let my fingers do the talking, this story wasn't preplanned, I just write what comes to me. Anyway I apologize for such a small chapter but I think this is an OK point to stop at don't you. See you next write.

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