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Leon's POV
This makes more sense now that I think about it, but what I didn't know was that she and Sarah was best friends.

"Sarah when did you and Alexis become friends?"

"I think a year after you save my life but we so close, I didn't think she would turn out to be my kidnapper and your ex."

"I talked to her about you while you were missing and I still didn't realize she took you, Alexis is really good at deceiving people."

"Yes but why didn't you tell me my best friend was your ex?"

"Because I didn't know, how the hell was I suppose to know that?"

"Hello you claimed to take us home that night we were out drinking at that club out of town. I didn't remember it at the time still don't but you did also told me I would remember only what you told me. How could you have not recognized your ex?"

"Come to think of it, that is strange I should of been able to recognize her scent miles ago and her face shouldn't have evade me. Something seems fishy about this but I know who exactly could clear it up."

Sarah's POV
With that said Leon left and headed for the room which became Alexis prison, I followed behind him because there was no way he was going to get a world in before I do. We reach the door and the moment he open the door I started talking.

"How could you do this to me Alexis and why?"

"Just trying to take your advice Sarah and kill the girl who was in my way but when I found out the girl was you I couldn't carry it out. Remember that day I did your hair sent you to chase your misery guy and after mine with hopes of us doubling dating sometimes. It turns out when I walked into his room that very day I saw you sitting down alone in his room on his bed. I felt so hurt, so betrayed, so bitter so I hit you over your head with a vase. There I was in the room thinking about how I was going to get your body out without anybody noticing and then Rolan Meer walks in. It turn out he was there for the same reason I was. He came to speak to the king, to talk you out of marrying a human but the moment he saw me. He had a better idea, kidnapping and almost murder but I was able to pursue him from killing you. I was confused as to if I wanted him so bad that I would kill my best friend."

"If I was your best friend you wouldn't of knocked me out and chained me."

"Well Sarah if you were mine, you wouldn't be marrying the man I love."

"Alexis am sorry it's not like I knew, if I did I would of never kept it going whether he was together with you or not."

"Before you girls go any further I have a question please. Sarah you remember being out to a club with Sarah being drunk."

"Yes you spying on us now friend stealer", replied Alexis.

" No I just wanted to know why I didn't realize it was you that night when I drove you guys home."

"I don't know to be honest Leon I don't know, now am wondering because I don't remember you bringing us back to Sarah's house, unless you made me forget, plus I was drunk."

"This is such a mess", I said cutting in.

"So what should be your punishment Alexis", asked Leon.

" I don't know if am really in the perfect state for that right now Leon."

"Quite frankly I don't care, remember you told me how my subjects has no respect for me I suggest you choose your punishment before I choose for you."

"I would choose Leon but am afraid it wouldn't be healthy for our baby", said Alexis as she lift up her blouse exposing a round tummy."

"Our baby", replied Leon.

"What?", replied his mother and father at the doorway.

" Alexis, pregnant for Leon", was the only words that came out before I find myself passing out again."

Word from author
I think this should be a sign for Sarah, a clear indication to run for the hills. A child, Leon's first child. This is about to get messy, let's hope Sarah had have enough and that when she wakes up, she breaks it off with Leon. Who knows, let's see what happens. Things don't really look too good between Sarah and Leon right now.

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