The risk of loving Leon 2

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Sarah's POV

The yard was filled with people, vampires mostly but am sure a few humans was here too. Chairs were set out in the right side of the garden with a clear dirt between them. A wedding was obviously going to happened but whose. Didn't Leon told them we had a fight, that I called all this off. If he didn't am glad but I can't just get married without my family. I'll go to Leon's room and called them. I made my way through the familiar passage way and to his room. The door was opened so I step inside.

"Leon we can work this out", I heard her say  " Let's just be together and stop stressing over her. If she wanted you she wouldn't have chased you away."

"Am not in the mood for this so just leave", he responded. "Leave the way you came."

I waited by the door to see who would exit but nobody came, as I stepped into view I noticed Leon close the window. I now knew this person he was talking to is a vampire since she went thorough such a high window. I glanced at Leon and he looked at me like I was a stranger.

"Leon am sorry, I missed you. I want to do this."

"Missed me Sarah, I thought you didn't asked to be dragged into this life, I thought you didn't want it."

"I didn't mean it Leon, I was thinking straight. We can make this work dangers and all."

"Dangers? Sarah did you stop one time and thought about how I felt knowing that I put you in a coma, knowing that you are allergic to my salvia, knowing that if ever you want to become a vampire I might not be able to sire you, kmt you never once wondered how I am dealing with this."

I walked over to his bed and sat beside him. 

"I am sorry you know Leon, let's just put this behind us."

I turned to face him and kissed his lips he flinched at first but then I saw his eyes turn dark and his fangs appear, so I kissed him again and this time he kissed back. I started to remove my blouse but he stopped and pushed me away.

"What Leon?"

"Am not ready for that again OK, let's just start slow."

"Slow Leon you sure that's the problem, or the vampire that just left your room through your window."

"You heard that, smh Sarah I don't want her and you can't force me into having sex either so I suggest you stop now. We have enough problems dealing with."

"Oh, speaking of which you know outside has been prep for a wedding right."

"Whose wedding Sarah?"

"I think it's ours."

"That's  impossible Sarah I don't even know about it. I think I should go see my mom."

Leon's POV

I left my room and headed towards the throne room. When I got there mom and dad was sitting down addressing a royal guard. I waited patiently until they were done and then approached them.

"Mom I heard they are preparing for a wedding outside."

"Yes son they are", answered my father.

"Whose wedding?"

"Who do you think", asked my dad.

"You got to be kidding, I."

"Relax son", said my mom glaring at my father. "You nearly give the boy a heart attack."
"The wedding outside is for your cousin and not yours. If you were listening to me when I talk to you, you would of known. And by the way I expect you to attend too, so go prepare yourself and Sarah too. I heard she just arrived."

With that clarified I left the throne room and head back to my room, to inform Sarah of our upcoming social event. I entered and look for Sarah but she was no where to be found. I checked the bathroom, the closets, everywhere I could think of and she wasn't there. As I sat and called out her name I saw a note on my bed. It read:

Future wife huh, that's if I don't kill her first.

This can't be happening I thought as I race through the halls yelling at the top of my lungs, before running back into the throne room.

"Mother, father I think Sarah as been kidnapped. "

"What you mean kidnapped?", asked my parents.

" I entered my room, she was no where to be found all I saw was this note", I said handing it to her.

They read it together in silence.

"Seal all the exists, they couldn't have gotten far we will search everywhere within this house and yard for her. As of this moment we are on lock down", yelled my father to his high royal guard.

"Immediately sir."

The guard head  off in a rush to see to the situation while I stayed grounded with my mom waiting for hours.

Sarah's POV
It happened so fast, I was in Leon's room and I saw the shadow of someone approaching. I tried to scream but everything went black as I felt something hit me on the side of my head. Here I am in this dimly lit room, locked inside unable to leave. This is becoming a hell of a summer. I don't know how am a make it out of this one. I studied the room in detail, it didn't take much seeing that all I had was a mattress on the floor, a wash pan and a toilet in the corner. In the four corners of the room near the roof four video cameras were attached. That's it video cameras, that means somebody has been watching me.

"Hey who is there? Why am I here? Why do I have a chain around my ankle and what do you want?"

"You will find out soon enough baby girl, soon enough", I heard the voice of a male echoed to me.

"Hello why don't you just let me go, my parents have money I'll pay whatever you want."

"I don't want your money little girl, I just want you out of my life", he said laughing.

Want me out of his life, that sound kind of personal if you ask me. I don't know how I keep getting into these mess, may God help me and may he be with Leon as he discover that I have gone missing.

Leon's POV
The guards searched high and low, everywhere within the grounds but it seem we were indeed too late. My Sarah has gone missing but I will find her, even if I have to kill and tear everybody in my path limb by limb.

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