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Sarah's POV
"Do we have to stay here Leon I would much rather go home after I was threatened and almost murder by your father."

"Trust me things are about to change. Forgive my father and let's try to move on."

"I still can't shake the fact that your mother is a witch. Wonder how they got together and created this unholy union"

"Sarah I much rather focused on us right now.

That was the last thing he said to me as we continued silently down a dimly lit path way to what I assume was his room. When we entered the room the first thing I realized was that it was bigger than my three rooms put together. It had in nice furniture and beautiful drapes which was expected what I didn't expect to see was a perfume and make up desk in the corner. This room look as if a woman was living here with him all along.

"Is someone living here with you?"

"What kind of dumb question is that Sarah."

"Then you wear make up?"

"What", he asked. I just responded by pointing to the desk.

"Now where did that come from", he said walking over to the observe the desk. " Oh!", I heard go him said walking back. "Here's your answer Sarah."

He handed me a piece of paper folded neatly in half. I opened it and began reading:
My son I took the liberty of adding a make up desk and a few perfume for Sarah as I assumed if your father allowed it she would be staying here. I also added a few dresses in your closet and woman's underwear in one of your drawers for her to use.

"Your mother is real welcoming I see."

"My mother would do anything to make me comfortable, that's why I can never stop loving her. Now go shower dinner will be delivered here in hour."

Leon's POV
Sarah has been in the shower two minutes now and I can't wait for her to get out.
Who could be knocking on my door this hours in the night I thought as I go to open it.

"What are you doing here."

"I came to view the thing you regard as better than me. What is it? Is she prettier or she just suck dick better."

"Am warning you refrain from talking about your future queen as you are doing now."

"I wasn't born in this life remember, I was born of human blood and when I was turned I didn't know I would be bowing to trash."

"Trash you don't even know her."

"And you better be glad I don't."

"Just go away before I do something I may regret later because you might have use anyway. If you behave nicely I'll make you my favorites guard Royal whore. The title seem fitting does it."

"I apologized for sleeping with your best friends when are you going to let it go so we can move on. Leon I love you."

"Well too late cause right now I love someone else. Now step aside let me collect my dinner and I suggest you leave this place as soon as possible, I wouldn't want to accidentally murder you."

I am so discussed by her when will she learn, a Lady should have class above anything else.

"Leon who is that at the door."

"Nobody", I answered shutting the door in an hurry because it doesn't matter the shitty moments I was having Sarah was out of the shower and all would be right now. I turn around and took the tray towards her where we had dinner together. After we were finished we crawled in bed. Sarah was clinging awfully close to me but who could blame her after dealing with my psychopathic father smh. I still can't believed he threatened to kill her. We will have to discuss appropriate boundaries when I take the throne.

Eventually morning came and my mother came knocking with it. She came to remind me of the dress code for Sarah and I, especially Sarah. My mother seemed a little too concern about someone she don't talk to. She always talk to me and refer to Sarah but direct dialogue was never aimed at her. She made sure she came when she knew Sarah would still be sleeping and then left in a hurry as if it was to leave before she woke up. Never the lest she saved both our asses and at least she is making an effort. Two hours after I woke Sarah up so we could prepare.

Later that day in the Grand Hall
My father announced to the vampires I have finally chosen a bride. Cheers filled the room until Sarah was brought out to be presented to them and then the chatter began.

"A human!", exclaimed one vampire.

" Another one!", exclaimed another vampire.

"What is it with our Prince and his strange cravings."

"Silence", said my father sternly and when they quiet down he directed me to speak to them. "Listen up your future ruler is about to speak."

"I am honoured to be taking over from my father and I can assure you of your safety and importance to me and my future bride."

"But she is mere a human, what protection will she offer us", questioned another vampire.

" Who I choose to wed don't really concern any of you actually. And your queen will be who I see fit. Now I officially declared her as mine, solely. She shall not be touched by another, you will protect and honour her until she becomes your queen and then you shall serve her."

The vampires didn't seemed pleased at all but they all obeyed my wishes but I knew how I could persuade them further. With that said I grabbed Sarah gently by her arms and pull her towards me.

I looked down at her and then I spoke, "relax." After the words left my lips I brought my fangs out for a show and I shallowly bit into her neck, I brought her in to my lips for a kissed and then I let her OK. I could hear the panic in her heart rate but she still hold her ground.

The entire grand hall became fill with noise as the vampires bowed down, all expect two who I studied closely. Within five minutes of my glare they submit bowing down.

"Now that all this is out of the way, excuse me. My future bride and I have things to attend to."

Sarah took steady steps behind me with an elevated heart rate and complete silence as we made our way to my room. I opened the door and then we stepped inside. "Sarah are you OK."

She lifted her head up to face mine and then attempted to speak before I know it Sarah had fainted in my arms.

Word from author
Hey ma readers/reader sorry I have not updated so long. Been a little hectic but its starting to clear now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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