Wife to be or merely food

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Leon's POV
"Sarah, get up. Remember am taking you home to meet my mom and dad today."

"Am up, am up."

"Good go comb your hair and shower I'll go make breakfast."

With that said I left her side and head downstairs to the kitchen. Five minutes later I was back with eggs, Bacon and bread, with a glass of orange juice I was so excited I didn't intend on wasting  anytime. Sarah's hair was catch nearly in a ponytail behind her back. I sat her down to eat while I showered and got dress inside the bathroom. By the time I step out into her room Sarah was finished eat. She studied me in detail.

"I have never seen you in that before."

"Sarah it's just a suit my mom picked out for me, no big deal my mother is worried about today. This is what she do when she is worried, get all dressed up and dressing my dad and I up."

"Is there a reason to be worried Leon?"

"Of course not am sure they will love you, you're so easy to love Sarah so just relax."

While I was having the conversation with Sarah I could felt the presence of somebody else approaching, in exactly five minutes they would be in this room. How do I mentally prepare Sarah for this, here goes nothing.

"Sarah someone is coming."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean someone will be in your house in a manner of seconds and base on how fast they are moving this someone is a vampire."

"Are you expecting someone."

"If I was would I be standing in front with you behind me. Now be quiet I must be able to analyze every last move of this intruder."

Just as the ending of the word left my lips in came a gust of wind. I quickly grabbed the arm I saw becoming visible and twisted as hard as I could. I was very disappointed to see the figure spinned their entire body around with their arm before landing on her feet. Her wait this was a girl, wait I know that scent. "

"Fae is that you? How did you find us or me rather."

"Your mother summoned me apparently you were in desperate need for me and yea she also wanted me to deliver this", she said hanging me a coat on a hanger.

"A coat, what does she expect me to do with this?"

"Boy didn't I teach you anything about your mom before I left. We both know your mother and she isn't called queen of disguises for nothing. Open the damn coat."

I did just what Fae said and my eyes behold the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen and in it a note.
For Sarah. ..love mom.
Damn I guess mom was more worried than I thought.

"Thanks Fae", I said hugging her.

" Good boy you have recover your manners I see. Now let me place eyes upon that gorgeous thing your mom asked me to make presentable. "

"No problem", I said reaching behind me. " I present to you Fae, Sarah."

Sarah's POV
The minute I was no longer behind Leon this all felt too real and I felt as if I was going to throw up any given second. This person was eyeing me up and down for the past five second.
I wonder why Leon's mother got me a dress too was it going to be that bad. Fae helped me get my self together before bidding us goodbye the dress was quite nice through semi formal, not too flashy.
After one last look in the mirror we set off to Leon's parents house. The drive was practically three hours long and on the way I was wondering if I made a bad decision agreeing to meet his parents we have not been together that long. But then again I want to be with him so if being with him means meeting his parents so be it. Well actually his dad, his mother basically invited herself to my house a few days ago. Vampires really don't care about people's boundaries at all and silly me thought they had to be invited in to enter as it turns out, it's a myth. Leon even fry his chicken using garlic smh where did humanity get these silly ideas from. I can't help but wonder the damage holy water could do to them afterall they are dead.

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