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Leon's POV
"Leon I came as soon as I heard, have you hear nothing or have any luck in locating her."

"No why do you are anyway, you wanted her gone just as well as who took her so you can end up in my bed."

"That's true indeed Leon I wanted her gone but I didn't touch her did I, because I don't like seeing you hurt."

"You didn't touch her because you didn't want to face my wrath nothing else."

"That too but its besides the point, let's just concentrate on finding her. Or you could forget about her, I am more fitting to be by your side."

"More fitting, you are a whore who sleeps with everything that gives you attention."

"Well excuse me for caring", she said as she headed out of my room, the sight was quite soothing.

I left my room to go see my parents in the throne room the whole kingdom was in mourning, especially me. I can't loose her. She must be somewhere.

" Mother, Father."

"Still nth son", asked my father.

" I told you a human wife would make easy target for your enemies you wouldn't believe me, now she is missing only God knows what the poor little thing has to be enduring", said my mother. "But what is done is done, son have you question the men who refused to accept her when she was announced to the public, they have motive and you gave them opportunity when you left her alone in your room."

"What a good point my love", replied my father. "Find out the name of the men, the two that was refused to bow before their future king and when you find them, take them here. This is a family matter so they shall face us three", my father told his head guard.

With that said the guard left to search for the men, my parents seemed to have better memory than I have. I forgot about both of those men but I am sure one of them would lead me to Sarah and when they do, they will pay. I tear off their heads with my bare hands after I sever their limbs. How dare they touch her after I made a public announcement that she should that be touched. How dare they defy me but I'll make an example out of them and that's a promise.
Night came and I returned to my room to try and rest, I have not been sleeping since Sarah was taken but tonight I had motivation, I would need my strength to deal with the two men whenever they were caught. With this thought in my head, I slept soundly like a baby.

Sarah's POV
This would be my second night in this place and I was confused as to what to do, scared at that too, this might just be my end. I hope Leon knows how much I love him.

" Sarah ", I heard someone said.

I turned around to see a faded image that looked much like Leon's mom. " Your Highness, you found me, is Leon doing OK."

"No he isn't but he will be OK soon because we will find you. If only I could tell exactly where you are, only thing I can see right now is you and the contents of this sad little room."

"So that means you recognize the camera."

"Yes but in this form I can't be caught on camera. We have a lead and we will find you soon, stay safe Sarah. I must go."

With that said the faded image disappeared into thin air and I was alone again in this little room that as became my prison. The front door opened and in came a tray with food. I was afraid of being poisoned but I was too damn hungry to not eat, so I ran the risk and I ate it all. Then I lay down to rest finding comfort in knowing efforts to rescue me was on the way. All I had to do was make sure I survived long enough to be rescued.

Leon's POV
The following morning; three days and two nights since Sarah went missing.

I was in quite a good mood this morning after the guard knocked on my door to tell me he had found one of the men. I got dressed in a hurry and head to my parents throne room, where he was to face us three as the council but what he was really about to face was my wrath. Within minutes I was in the room, upon seeing his face I remembered him, he was one off the men I glared during Sarah's announcement.

"State your name for the council", said my mom

" Agorava Line", stated the man

"Do you know why you are here", asked my father.

" I was told my presence was requested by the family council sir", answered the man.

"This is all very nice but what I want to know is where is she, what have you done with her and be careful with your answer. Am in such a mood where I would complete erase the Lines family completed including your little son that I am scenting throw up on you while you were feeding him this morning", I said interrupting.

"Son don't you think that's a little harsh son", asked my mother .

"Mother would it be less harsh if I just year off his limb right here, right now", I said standing up.

"Actually son it would be, go please yourself", said my dad.

" No wait, wait", said Agorava Lines. "I thought have her. I didn't took her but I know who did."

"Who?", we asked in union.

" Rolan Meer"

"Who?", we asked again.

"The other man who refused to bow to you that night. I heard him saying harsh things about her, you and your family that night. Out of fear I left his company and from that night I have been avoiding him ever since."

"Are you certain of this?", asked my mother.

"Yes your  Highness, I wouldn't lie knowing what my punishment would be."

"Very well, fetch Rolan Meer", said my father to the royal guard.

" You may go Agorava Lines."

I don't know what lies ahead of me when Rolan comes before my presence but I was sure I would wreak havoc on his undead soul if he can't present Sarah. The guard left and took Agorava with him. My dad, mother and I sat patiently waiting to see Rolan but he never came. The guard returned telling us he wasn't home and how his neighbours saw him left days ago in a hurry. So it seems Agorava was right, Rolan as Sarah. I'll hunt him down and kill anything in my way to getting to him.

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