what's done is done

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Sarah's POV
I couldn't actually register the words I was hearing did he just actually say he was a vampire, a 399 year old one to be exact, great out of all the boys in the world I had to fall for the pyscho I thought as I pulled out of the hug and walked away from him.

"It's OK Sarah I'll just leave", he said.

" Wait don't, if you really are what you say you are prove it."

"I don't want to scare you Sarah, I think you are asking for too much."

"Please just show me, I love you and I don't want to loose you. I have loved you since you saved me from Luke that night. And if you are what you say you are we can be together but if you are just crazy, I can't do this."

Leon's POV
I know this was too much for her but seeing her like this was too heartbreaking otherwise I would just walked away and let her call me crazy. Here goes nth I thought. I pulled her close to me, sniffed her and then I started to kiss her.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

"You asked to see what I am so am trying to find the most civilize way to show you, just trust me. I didn't hurt you that night in the Alley did I."

I continued kissing her in an attempt to make myself sexually stimulated and when that wasn't working fast enough I gently squeeze her ass and just like that my manhood began to rise, my blues eyes turn black and my fangs came down. I looked at her and thought she would run but she didn't instead she touched my face and confessed her love for me again. Was this girl right in the head? How can you look at a beast and give undying love to it. I stop touching her and let my fangs disappear and my eye resumes its normally colour but my manhood never go down.

"It's beautiful", Sarah said.

I hugged her, laughed and then spoke to her.

"You must be one in a million my darling, so pure, so kind, so innocent. How could I not love you but am afraid I'll need to leave you a little bit. I'll be back later this evening OK."

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