The Assignment

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


"I will see to it, my masters." the staticky hologram of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker stated with a respectful bow to his superiors. The general straightened, his worried face coming briefly into view, before he and his clone commander, Captain Rex, dissolved into thin air.

Obi-Wan Kenobi sat in his usual seat in the Council Chambers. He had his hand on his beard and his ankle resting on his opposite leg, thinking about their dilemma.

"This is risky. Should Anakin not be able to pull this off, it will put his entire fleet in jeopardy and that is not a loss we can afford right now." he mused aloud, watching as Shaak Ti, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Aayla Secura all exited the chambers. Luminara Unduli and Kit Fisto, who attended via hologram, both disappeared back to their battlefields.

Kenobi let out a tired sigh. The chamber felt enormously empty, more than it ever had before. The council, along with the rest of the order, was scattered from one end of the galaxy to the next, fighting the seemingly infinite droid army of the Separatist Alliance. Some have died. Some are dying. Everyday, more and more Jedi fell to their metal adversaries in battle and everyday there were less of them and more of the Separatists.

Kenobi looked over to his left. His friend and comrade, Mace Windu, had stayed seated as well. He was wearing his usual brooding demeanor on his face, giving nothing away of the feelings that were locked away inside his ever calculating mind.

"I know, but it's a risk we must take. I have faith in Skywalker. We can not lose the Kineon System." Windu replied, pressing his fingertips together.

Ahh. There it was. Obi-Wan had caught a slight slip in his friend's mental armor, where a tightly wound knot of tension Mace had buried deep within himself had risen to the surface. It was there just long enough for Kenobi to sense before it was stuffed roughly back down into Windu's subconscious. He took a deep breath. So the war was even wearing on Mace's steadfast soul.

"Keep it, we must, but for now, have a new issue, we do." Kenobi and Windu both turned their attention to the seat between them.

There, hidden in shadow, was the small, elderly Grandmaster of the Council. His short legs were folded under him. His cane was lying across his lap, his three fingered hands clasped around the worn wood. His long ears flopped slightly as he adjusted his head to look at them.

"And what would that be Master Yoda?" Kenobi inquired, his curiosity piqued with both interest and dread. Lately, it seemed like all they had were new issues.

The ancient Jedi slid off of his chair with a stiffened groan and motioned for Windu and Kenobi to follow him. The two shared a concerned look before accompanying Yoda out of the chamber and into the heart of the temple. The Grandmaster was silent for a few strides before speaking.

"A message, I have received, from the Elders of the Gray Jedi Order. Defected, one of their own has. Looking to become Dooku's new apprentice, he is." Yoda explained, his cane clicking on the old floor that had been tread on by countless Jedi over the Temple's millennia of existence. Kenobi could sense Windu's mood darken in response to this news. Yoda's, however, was unreadable.

"Well that is not good." Windu replied, a scowl crossing his face. "The Gray Jedi have opted not to get involved in this war. They are formidable warriors. Depending on who deserted, this could put us at a major disadvantage." he finished. Obi-Wan stroked his beard, bringing all the knowledge he could remember on the small order to his mind.

"The Clone Wars aside, the Gray Jedi haven't gotten involved in any battles for ages. As followers of the light and dark, this could prove a challenge." Kenobi added. Yoda nodded. All Obi-Wan could only see was the top of his wrinkled green head, his thin layer of white hair, and large, pointed ears.

"Agree with you, I do, as does Palatial Elder Inan. Sent one of their own, she has. Keep the balance, they must, for their duty, it is." the Grandmaster explained. "Under the code name Cordelia, she will go by. Capture the deserter, she will help. Will assist her, one of you two will." he finished, stopping to face the two of them in the T shaped intersection. He waited expectantly, looking from Mace to Obi-Wan, back to Mace, letting them decide who will take on this mission. Windu sighed before responding.

"I have unfinished business on Felucia. Obi-Wan will have to help the Gray." he explained, sounding a bit tired. Obi-Wan had the feeling Mace didn't mind skipping out a mission with a warrior whose order is known to be fickle. Windu did not like those who were fickle. He couldn't trust them.

"I can spare the men and the time." Kenobi replied. With that, Yoda dipped his head in agreement, pleased that this matter was taken care of.

"Will help her, Obi-Wan will. At the Senate building, waiting, she is. With you both, the Force will be." the Grandmaster stated.

Business now adjourned, Yoda turned down the nearest hallway to go about the rest of his day. The tiles, polished to a high shine, reflected light up onto the high walls. In the distance, Kenobi caught a glimpse of a large stone hand reaching out from behind a wall. It belonged to the statue of an ancient Grandmaster named Satele Shan.

As Yoda moved out of sight, Windu and Kenobi kept straight. Mace gave him a stern look.

"Obi-Wan, I would be careful if I were you. The Gray Jedi are infamous for being... unpredictable." Windu stated, his voice serious. Well, extra serious. Most of the order believed that the stern, intimidating Jedi wasn't capable of laughing. His brooding demeanor and unwavering focus played a role in this. Despite that, Kenobi had heard a chuckle or two out of his comrade on occasion. Mace even cracked a joke once. Those who were present were too stunned to laugh.

"I will keep an eye out." he replied, already wondering what this Gray Jedi would be like.
He had heard stories of the Gray Jedi as a padawan, mostly from his master, Qui-Gon Jinn.

Some people didn't even believe the quiet order still existed. Kenobi knew better. His young self had actually been quite fascinated by the idea of an order that followed the Light and the Dark. The intricacies and mental fortitude of warrior like that had to be great. To walk the center was an almost impossible feat.

"I will tell Cody to get a squadron of clones ready while I go greet this Cordelia." Kenobi said as they prepared to part ways. Windu paused in the hallway and turned to him.

"I must return to Felucia. May the Force be with you, my friend, and watch your back." Mace dipped his head before turning off towards the left. Well that pep talk certainly didn't make him feel much better.

Obi-Wan weaved his way through the rest of the temple to the speeder pad. As he rounded a corner, he approached a set of red carpeted stairs. Large windows lined the walls, creating squares of light on the floor below.

The worn and faded fabric continued all the way down to the entrance, where a few speeder spots and a splotch of skyscrapers beyond the temple were visible. The pad was being guarded by two clones with deep crimson painted armor, each holding a blaster rifle. They were still enough to pass as one of the many statues throughout the ancient temple.

As he descended the stairs, he passed a few younglings led by Master Tera Sinube. The eccentric elder gave Kenobi a wide grin, while the presence of the general had instilled some whispering amongst the children.

Obi-Wan motioned to the clone trooper on deck as he stepped onto the pad. The trooper saluted in response, his movements crisp and sharp. Kenobi took the nearest vehicle and started it up before pulling away towards the Senate building.

He wasn't entirely sure what adventures this mission would bring, but he had the feeling they would certainly be memorable.

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