Hunt on Kashyyyk: Hunter and Prey

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"Gungi, quiet down!" Dume chastised as he and the little Wookiee frantically looked for the clearing they had come from. So far all they saw were trees and knee high brush that all looked alike. They had their lightsabers out as they ran, the forest flickering green and blue with each stride. Gungi whimpered behind him. He wasn't exactly known around the temple for his courage.

Dume looked down at the comm on his wrist. It had been damaged by one of those stupid monkey creatures. They could have used Gungi's, but those little pests had pulled it right off his wrist and taken off into the darkness. He could sense Gungi's fear. It was rolling off him waves. It was so strong, it put Dume on edge.

"We will find them, so stop worrying. You're making me more anxious." Caleb snapped. Gungi gave a yipe in reply.

"Which way do we go?" he asked as they approached a tall cliff side. It was about fifty feet high and made of a silvery rock with small, reflective bits that shown bright in the saber light. His hand tightened around his saber hilt.

"How should I know?" Caleb bit back, voice filled with venom. He looked to his right. He softened a bit when he saw Gungi's face. Illuminated in green light, he was terrified. His eyes were wide and shining. His mouth was taut. He jumped at every small sound. Dume sighed. His friend was relying on him and Caleb couldn't let him down, especially here.

"It'll be ok, I promise." he told him, putting a hand on Gungi's hairy shoulder. The youngling nodded back slowly, his hair shifting with the movement. "Let's go left."

They started sprinting in that direction, hurdling over bushes and trees alike. In the back of his mind, Dume desperately hoped he didn't accidentally step on one of those shorlacc creatures. That thing scared him senseless.

He put his hands to a small, moist log and swung his legs over it. He ran a few more paces before stopping short as a large, lumbering beast walked across their path. His heart dropped. It was a Katarn.

"Ok Gungi." Dume whispered as he took a few steps backwards, heart pounding. Even with two Wookiees, multiple clones, a Jedi Master and a Gray, that thing was a serious challenge. Their best bet was to avoid it completely.

"Not a sound. We are going to- ahh!" he yelled as the youngling plowed into his back. They both fell face first into the dirt in a tangle of legs, sabers, and hair. It took them a moment to get their bearings.

"Get off... of me." Caleb grunted through clenched teeth, shoving the Wookiee to the side. Both of their sabers had flung from their hands. They had deactivated, drenching the two in inky darkness.

"No, no, no..." Dume muttered under his breath as he rolled onto his stomach. His anxiety has flared up so strongly, he felt nauseous. Sabers, they needed their sabers.

They frantically felt around in the damp dirt for the hilts as the footsteps of that creature got closer and closer. Dume's fingers brushed against everything they possibly could, except for his lightsaber: rocks, fungi, grasses, dirt. He bit his lip as a small creepy-crawly bit into his index finger. He yanked it away and shook out the pain. He heart leapt as a twig snapped only feet away from them now. He could feel the vibrations its giant paws sent through the ground.

Gungi gave a yip as he found his saber. He ignited the green blade instantly. He made some alarmed Wookiee sounds as he pointed towards the monster ahead of them, dangerously close now. It zoned its focus in on them.

"Blast it!" Dume cursed. He looked down and spotted his hilt. He squatted down and grabbed his saber out from under a bush. He pressed the button with his thumb, the blue blade bursting to life. The Katarn threw its head and charged at them, the nearby brush quivering with each step.

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