Stranded on Canarath: The Camp

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They started heading towards the energy readings Varo picked up. It wasn't too far from the abandoned village thankfully.

After walking a short way past skeleton tree after skeleton tree, they found themselves outside of the Separatist camp.

"We're in luck." Shan said. "There's a ship across the way." Kenobi couldn't see what she was looking at, so he moved to her opposite side. Sure enough, there was indeed a ship, the beetle looking Sheathipede-class Type B shuttle. It was close to the perimeter too.

"Let's skirt the edge." Shan suggested. They backed out and circled around to the ship. There weren't many droids around, only a few dozen.

In fact, the campsite itself wasn't too large. There was a single tactical droid at a control panel, directing the B1s this way and that. A few crates were spread around the area, along with portable generators attached to charging stations. There was no heavy artillery. A comms tower was in the corner. Two B1s were carrying storage units out from their targeted ship.

"This must be a satellite camp." Cody said. "The real camp must be somewhere nearby." They surveyed the area. It would be an easy dash to get to the dock of the ship. They would creep along the edge opposite the tactical droid and make their way to the docking ramp. Their squad was small, so they could do it efficiently. After that depended on Master Plo. If he had already boarded Rohna's cruiser, they would go there. If not, they would have to land in the Triumphant, Plo's capital ship, and figure out a plan.

"Uhh, general? Take a look." Gheo said, pointing to the opposite side of the shuttle. Kenobi moved to the clone's side. Before them stood a cage, but instead of metal bars, the bars were made of light. Nothing was inside though.

"That's odd." Shan whispered. They all crept back as a silver Super Battle Droid and two B1s came into view. They were doing a perimeter patrol. Obi-Wan covered his ears as a shrill scream echoed behind his broken ribs.

A Neris appeared within the cage and slammed itself against the columns of light. It hissed as it burned itself on the beam. It clearly wasn't fond of the battle droids. The B1 just pointed and laughed at it.

"Stupid creature!" he taunted. "Careful! Remember what it did to the droids who trapped it." the other said. "Oh yeah."

The creature thrashed against the lasers. The B1 fired off a single shot and hit the Neris. It shrieked as the droids stalked off. Kenobi and Shan looked at each other. A single second of eye contact told him they were thinking the same thing.

"We have to free it." Shan said instantly. The clones were clearly not about this idea.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, free it?" Ice asked incredulously. "Yes." Varo shook his head.

"Why the hell would we free that thing?" he asked them. "Well one, if the Separatists discover how the Neris is able to teleport, they could weaponize it, which would not be good for us." Kenobi explained.

"Secondly, as horrid as it is, it doesn't deserve to be tortured by Dooku and his scientists." Sahrea added. Varo laughed unexpectedly.

"Don't worry, we got your back general." he assured them. Kenobi dipped his head in response.

"Ok, good. Now how to free it from the cage." Shan mused. "Perhaps your lightsabers could intercept the lasers." Cody thought aloud. The Gray shrugged. "It's definitely worth a shot."

Kenobi and Shan snuck carefully out of the skeleton forest and snuck towards the ship. Obi-Wan peaked around the side.

The tactical droid was directing a group of B1s, angled facing the docking bay of the Sheathipede. The general pulled his head back. He motioned to Sahrea, who nodded in response. He checked again. The B1s were gone and the tactical droid had its back to them. Kenobi twitched his fingers.

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