Shadows of the Ancient Sith: Lucid Dreaming

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Kenobi sighed in annoyance as he turned around.

"Hello Fireek. I don't have time to talk, I have places to be." he replied dryly. Kenobi stepped to move past him, but the gang adjusted to block his way.

Fireek Hiyuunin was a Sullustan that Kenobi had the unfortunate pleasure of running into his first week on Tatooine. He and Hiyuunin weren't on the best of terms, since the first time they met ended with Fireek and his four other gang members incapacitated on the ground. They recognized Ben as an outsider and tried to jump him for credits. They got a little more than the bargained for.

Since then, they had been trying to get even with him.  Hiyuunin's crew included a Rodian, Devaronian, a Zabrak and a Parsnel. The Devaronian, Grisco Monik, began walking towards Shan. She bristled instantly.

"Now what's a beauty like you hangin around with an crazy old recluse like him?" he questioned, his mouth in a sharp toothed smile. Kenobi scoffed at the comment and Shan rolled her eyes.

"We don't see many like you out here." His eyes flicked very noticeably down to her feet and back up, lingering longer than they should on occasion. That sent a pulse of anger through Ben. He relaxed his body, trying to release the emotion. It only half worked.

As for Shan, she made a sour face at him. Kenobi knew that look. If Monik made one move against her, he would be leaving here with one arm. Ender gave a concerned boop. Ben took a deep breath through his nose.

"Cordelia, it's time to go." he told the Gray, giving a gentle tug on her arm. She moved away from Monik, but didn't drop her glare for a second. He stepped in their path.

"Hey, you don't want to share your lady friend with us?" he asked with false innocence. Kenobi moved protectively in front of her.

"I'm going to ask you to move out of the way, friend." he warned dangerously. Monik gave him a smile that was both devious and challenging.

"Grisco." Fireek cut in, speaking in his native tongue. He pointed towards the Imperial Troops that had just rounded the corner. Monik looked back to them. Ender hid behind Shan's leg.

"You got lucky today, hermit." he spat, brushing his fingers across Sahrea's cheek as he stepped away. Kenobi had to stop himself from punching him straight in the teeth. Shan looked like she was about to bite his fingers off. Hiyuunin cocked his head towards a nearby alley. He and his gang slipped into shadows without a sound.

Deciding to leave before pressing their luck further, Kenobi, Ender, and Shan slipped past the imperials unnoticed. The troopers were too busy checking the identification card of a shifty looking Aqualish to notice them. From what Kenobi could tell, the male was doing an unsuccessful job of convincing the soldiers of his innocence of whatever they were accusing him of.

The two fugitives slipped around the corner to Ben's speeder. After dropping their supplies and droid into the back, he and Shan sped out of Anchorhead and into the desert beyond. They both were quiet.

"I'm sorry about that." Kenobi finally said, breaking their silence. Obi-Wan could sense negative emotion from her. He glanced at his Gray before shifting his eyes back to the sand in front of him. Sahrea ran a finger along the edge of the silver speeder, caught up in her own thoughts.

"They always give me trouble when I head into town, so I've been avoiding them. Didn't do a great job today." he told her. Shan looked over to him. Her eyes were more green than grey at that moment.

"Don't apologize Obi-Wan. Or, rather, Ben." she added with an inquisitive look. "Which reminds me, crazy old hermit?" Obi-Wan laughed.

"Yeah. I don't know how that got started." he replied, still chuckling. Shan shook her head dismissively, a smile on her face. Ender beeped at her from behind them. Sahrea reached back and put her good hand on his side.

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