Hunt on Kashyyyk: The Serpent

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"Younglings, stay back and protect the Wookiees and clones!" Shan shouted at them. Yoda hopped down before they launched themselves onto the back of the Nwarak.

Shan took an experimental slice at its back as she landed. Her saber penetrated the armored skin, but barely. The Nwarak threw its head up and attempted to buck the two Force-users off its back. Sahrea looked up as Master Yoda focused on a nearby tree, holding on to the Nwarak's back with one hand and reaching out towards the trunk with the other.

Below them, the Clones and Wookiees peppered the serpent's side with laser bolts. Shan had a feeling that they were more a nuisance than anything. The Grandmaster clenched his small green hand into a fist and pulled it into his chest. The tree cracked. It stood for a moment before falling. It slammed onto the Nwarak. Shan immediately understood.

"I'll try to keep it steady!" she shouted. The Gray sprinted up its neck. When she reached the top of the head, she flipped high into the air, landing in front of the serpent. She dodged to the side as it snapped at her. All she could see were long, sharp teeth shaded orange and silver from her blades. Leaving the sabers hanging in the air, Sahrea lifted her hands and tried to hold the beast still through the Force.

She looked over her shoulder as a few words caught her attention. There was no one there, just List and Marsh firing from a good few feet away. Shan refocused. She reached out to the Nwarak again, using the Force to hold it still as a second tree dropped onto its back. Shan didn't turn her head as that voice rose again.

What is that? she thought. The voice, it wasn't human or Wookiee, not did it represent any language she had ever heard before.

Then it struck her: it was the serpent. She released her hold on it as a third tree landed on it. The sound was one of pain. She stepped back confusedly.

"Stand down." she told the men. Volt lowered his weapon in confusion. "Did you just say stand down sir?" Volt replied. Sahrea put her hand behind and gestured for them to lower their weapons.

"Yes, stand down." The fourth trunk fell, pinning in the creature on both sides. Yoda hopped down to join. He gave a little chuckle.

"Figured it out, have you?" he said as he slowly made his way to her side. She rolled her eyes.

"Of course you knew it was Force-Sensitive." she replied. He laughed through his nose again.

"Helps it does, to figure things out for oneself, hmm?" The Nwarak struggled and writhed against the trees pinning it in. The serpent's body convulsed as a splitting sound was heard. Six pointed legs unfolded its body and dug into the soft dirt beside it.

"Padawans, come here! Help us calm the beast." Shan commanded. She and Master Yoda reached out to the creature with the Force in an attempt to calm it. They shut their eyes.

Shan could feel everything the serpent felt, like rushing water. Fear, pain, sadness. Surprisingly, no anger or hatred. No bloodlust. From behind her closed lids, she heard the younglings come up beside them. After a moment, the thrashing quieted. The creature's anxiety calmed. Sahrea opened her eyes.

The Nwarak stopped moving. It instead watched them curiously with large, bug like eyes. It blinked, its head bobbing back and forth. Shan looked to Yoda. The elderly grandmaster was peering up at her, a statement in that gaze. She tapped her chest in a You want me to talk? fashion. He nodded, sending his ears bobbing up and down. Shan stepped forward.

"Hello." she greeted meekly. What did one say to ancient, Force sensitive serpent? The Nwarak watched her, interest in its eyes.

"Why are you here?" she asked. That seemed like a good place to start. The serpent lowered its head to her eye level. It flicked its tongue out. Its head moved side to side slowly, assessing her.

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