The Infiltration of Vardos: Gone Caving

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"We must act now general, if we wish to keep the upper hand." clone Commander Stak told Jedi master Mace Windu as the bright day turned into a misty dusk.

The general did not reply. He kept staring at the holographic map that displayed the Velcana Ridge on the planet of Vardos.

The model of the ridge was composed of staticky blue light. It would flicker occasionally before coming back into a crisp focus. Windu had his arms crossed, going over the same three possible attack methods in his head.

The fact that not only Separatists have reportedly been seen coming to and from a cave in the southeast section of the ridge, but that Dooku himself had been seen there a number of times, was extremely concerning for the Republic. Vardos was a neutral system and, as a major piece of the Jinata System, was quite close to Coruscant. That could mean invasion and that was the last thing the Republic needed right now. They were still recovering from Kamino.

If the Inspector General of the Jinata Security Bureau, Garrick Versio, was to be believed, the government didn't have anything to do with Dooku's presence here. Apparently, they didn't even know he was here. Windu wasn't sure if this was true or not, but if it was, this could be the perfect time to sway the people of Vardos to the Republic after many years of declined offers to join the Senate. Not to mention that having a base here would certainly help protect the capital.

Regardless though, they still weren't sure why Dooku was here on Vardos in the first place. Perhaps it was a sabotage operation, interrupting shipments to the shipyard on the nearby planet of Xa Fel? That's where all the Republic star destroyers were pieced together. But wouldn't they have heard if something like that was happening?

Mace had sent Commander Tacks and a squadron of clones to do a thorough inspection of the shipyard, while they headed to Vardos. So far, nothing has been out of the ordinary. There was nothing special on Pillio, Athulla, or any other planets in the system. No, it had to be something here on Vardos. What could he want though? There weren't enough droids here for a planet wide invasion. Maybe they just wanted to take the capital city of Kestro?

"Sir?" Stak spoke, pulling Windu out of his thoughts. He mulled it over once more before making his decision. The general looked up for the first time in minutes, his neck happily obliging at the relief of tension. He squinted against the sun that was lowering below the horizon.

"We will use the rocks." he said finally, the stone structures barely visible against the blinding light.

"We will draw them out and lead them down the ridge to about here." Windu said, his finger grazing a spot on the map. The section turned red as he pulled his hand away. "We will set clones up behind the boulders," he explained, the stones turning yellow. "And attack them from above." Stak nodded in agreement.

"As they say, those with the high ground have more room to fly." the commander replied. "And farther to fall." Windu finished.

Once the sun had fully disappeared, turning the clouds from white and airy to dark and menacing, Windu and his platoon set out. The stars overhead were dulled from the light of Kestro, which was only a few clicks to the east. Sometimes Windu could spot it through a break in the trees.

They marched through the unfamiliar flora soundlessly. This was Windu's first time on Vardos. He had heard many stories though, of the beautiful architecture of Kestro, the strange fauna of flying creatures, its unique flowers and rock formations. It was ranked number eight on the galaxy's most beautiful planets, with Ithor taking first as usual and Naboo second. He understood why now.

They were slinking along the cliff side under a canopy of leaves. The trees up above were wispy, with long vines draping down towards the ground. Deep purple flowers with a strong fragrance bloomed from the stems. The grass was a greenish-blue color and was soft and silky. Even the rocks had a pinkish tinge to them and seemed to be buffed to a low shine.

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