Raiders of the Sand: Negotiations

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"Which way to Jabba's throne room?" Shan asked as she skirted around a very drunk Rodian stumbling through the hallway. She had never been in Jabba's Palace before, so they were relying on Obi-Wan's memory of the palace, but the last time he was here, it was over three years ago. He hoped that he remembered accurately.

This whole ordeal better be worth it. They already had to mind trick a few very stupid Gamoerrean guards to get in, which put their identities at risk.

"If I remember correctly, it's up this way." Kenobi replied, pointing at a sandstone staircase that spiraled up to the next floor. Ender followed them from behind, glad to be out and about. He had been deactivated in the throne room for the last few days, which the mouse droid did not appreciate.

Once they reached the foot of the stairs, Kenobi picked the little droid up, who was surprisingly heavy for his small frame. He ascended up the stairs after Sahrea, his steps labored by Ender's added weight. Once at the top, he propped him back on the floor. The helmet he wore still stunk, but the Xelric Blooms seemed to have taken the punch out of it.

At the end of the hallway, Kenobi paused momentarily, debating whether to make a right or a left. After a moment, he led Shan and Ender off to the right. The three rounded a corner and found themselves in Jabba's throne room.

"Stay close Ender." Shan said as they filed into the crowd. He beeped back that he would.

The room was dark and swam with the stench of sweat and alcohol. It was pressed thick with bodies. Music blared over the noise of the crowd. Patron bumped into Kenobi from all sides, jostling him this way and that.

Obi-Wan bristled as a hand latched around his wrist. He turned angrily to see it was only Sahrea, who had stepped close to him before she could get tossed around again.

The two said nothing. They shared a look before Obi-Wan grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd. Sahrea looked to the floor, wanting to make sure her droid was still keeping up. Poor Ender was doing the best he could while getting kicked and almost stepped on. As they pushed their way up to the front, the patrons gave an exceptionally loud cheer.

"What's going on?" Sahrea asked, going up on her toes to try and see over the crowd. The sound of grating metal reached Obi-Wan's ears. He and Shan exchanged a concerned look. The Gray covered her mouth in shock as a roar echoed throughout the room, her eyes wide. A blood curdling scream that was silenced much too early shot through the room.

"What the hell was that?" she whispered to Kenobi, looking pale. He swallowed and began leading her to the front again. The crowd whooped and cheered once again. Obi-Wan swallowed tensely.

"Jabba's pet Rancor just got fed. Now come on." Sahrea gave him a blank stare as her jaw dropped. "Jabba's pet what?"

Kenobi didn't answer as they reached the front of the room. They found one of Jabba's advisers, a shifty looking Twi'Lek, hanging around on the side of the Hutt's throne.

As for Jabba, he was lounged out in his slimy glory, a large cup in his hand, lazing back without a care in the world. He washed his drink back, dark liquid dribbling down his bulbous chin. Some drops flew from his mouth as he laughed with pleasure at a dancing Twi'Lek. Shan made a disgusted face beside Kenobi as she flicked up her hood.

Obi-Wan managed to gain the attention of Jabba's adviser, who looked very angry at being interrupted. Kenobi began to explain their presence to him, having to shout over the voices of the crowd. The Twi'Lek seemed mostly disinterested in Kenobi's story except when the words 'Tusken Raider' came up. That's when his curiosity seemed to pique. Once Kenobi was finished, the adviser promised to relay their message to the Hutt and disappeared into the crowd.

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