Raiders of the Sand: Thief

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After leaving Jabba's Palace, the two Force users returned to the Tusken Camp. There, they delivered Jabba's demands to chief. As Kenobi expected, it did not go over well.

Tusken chieftain began to roar in rage, causing Sahrea Shan to recoil back at his tone. He stood up and grabbed his gaffi stick. He thrusted it into the air before stabbing it deep into the sandy floor. His translator droid recanted what the chief said in Pyrinian, although Kenobi could guess what he said.

"The chieftain refuses to give into these abhorrent demands. He will not allow any of his people to live enslaved by that disgusting crime lord." The droid's tone was almost comical, relaying the chieftain's emotional, anger laced rant back in his monotoned drawl.

"We agree, your highness. There must be another way. What can we do?" Shan asked. "How else can we reinforce your lands?" Kenobi rubbed at his beard as a memory came flooding back to him. It brought him back to the Clone Wars, to the planet of Onderon.

King Sanjay Rash had chosen for Onderon to ally with the Separatist Alliance, rather than staying neutral or siding with the Republic. A group of rebels led by Steela and Saw Gerrara decided to reinstate Ramsis Dendup, the former monarch, back on the throne so that Onderon would be free once again. The Republic could not invade a peaceful world, so Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Captain Rex had been secretly dispatched to the planet's surface, not to overthrow Rash, but to train up the rebels to do it themselves. That gave Kenobi an idea.

"Perhaps there is another way." he mused. All eyes turned to him. "Before I came to Tatooine, I was apart of a militia, as was Cordelia." he embellished.

"Perhaps we could train your people to defend your lands more efficiently yourselves. We could show you the best way to combat both the pirates and the Empire. This way you won't have to rely on others." Kenobi looked to Shan. She thought on this a moment before giving him a pleased smile. The chieftain urred back a response.

"The wise chieftain likes this proposal. What do you ask in return?" the droid translated. Sahrea piped up this time.

"All we ask is for the attacks on Anchorhead and the moisture farms to stop." Shan added. The chieftain's head dipped. "You have his word, although he can not speak for other tribes." Obi-Wan and Sahrea nodded. "That's all we ask."

After that, they were dismissed. A Tusken guard led them back to their tent so that they could rest for a bit. They pushed into their tent and Ender immediately claimed a spot in the corner.

"We were part of a militia alright." Kenobi laughed once they were alone. "A very big militia." she joked as well. Ender beeped something from his corner about the sand.

"I'll get you something to rest on in the morning. You'll have to make do for tonight." Ender unhappily agreed before he powered off for a while.

Kenobi headed immediately for a wicker container against the back wall. Inside, the Tuskens had kindly left clean clothes for them. A long dress was left for Sahrea while a tunic and pants were for him.

"I'm going to wash up." he said, pulling his clothing out. There was a wash room nearby for everyone to use and it even had a pump for the recycled water.

"Do you want me to grab you anything on the way-" he cut off as he turned around. He found himself face to face with Sahrea Shan. All he saw was those pure grey eyes.

Sahrea immediately took a half step back and muttered an apology, looking sheepishly down at the floor. She looked up at him tentatively through her lashes after a moment. She donned a look of hesitation before wrapping her arms around his torso, pulling in close to him. Obi-Wan put one hand to the side of her face as she looked up at him.

"Do you think we can do this?" she asked him, her voice soft. Obi-Wan exhaled through his nose. He could tell she was troubled. He noticed her gaze was on his collarbone. He used his hand to pull her focus up to his face. He brushed a loose strand of hair off her brow, never breaking contact with those eyes.

"I do. If anyone can, it's us." he told her. Sahrea nodded before nuzzling closer to him. She rested her head against his chest. Kenobi wrapped her in his arms, memorizing the feel of her body against his. He petted her pale hair gently. It was soft under his touch and had the faint smell of Xelric Cactus Blooms. He bit the inside of his cheek, certain she could hear the fast pace of his heart.

"I stepped in between you and the blaster that day because I couldn't bare to lose you again." he found himself admitting. He had the urge to curse himself for letting the sentence slip, but he knew if he did, it would be a lie. He wanted to tell her. He hadn't planned on revealing his feelings at all, but something about this moment, with her in his arms, the glow of the lantern, the whipping of the wind outside, made all the words tumble out.

"I never want to lose you again." he murmured, squeezing her a bit tighter. Sahrea pulled back sightly, eyes bright. She brought her hand up to his face, brushing her fingers against his beard. She had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" she asked. Kenobi sighed, unsure of how he felt at that response.

"Attachment is forbidden by the Jedi Council. I can't go against the Jedi Code." Shan gave him a lopsided smile.

"What council Obi-Wan?" she asked him gently. "The Jedi Order is gone. There is no one left for you to answer to. There's no more masters, no more generals, no more senators. Just you." Shan brushed her thumb against his cheekbone. "There are no more Jedi." He reached up and pressed his hand against hers.

"I know." was all he said in response. Sahrea closed her eyes. She pressed her forehead to his, their noses brushing. He could feel her warm breath against his mouth. Shan widened her fingers against his cheek and Obi-Wan's fingers fell neatly into the gaps in between.

"I would have done the same, had the roles been reversed." she whispered against his skin. His heart skipped a beat.

"When I was on Kamino, I found a transmitted list of the dead Jedi. I remember the terror I felt while scanning the list. To see missing besides your name... I could have cried with relief." she told him.

"I thought I would never see you again, but here we are. The Force brought us together for a reason." Shan pulled away from him. "It seems no matter what road I take, I always end up coming back to you." she stated, reaching out to give his hand a squeeze.

She stepped back from him. Her cheeks were pink. Her breathing was elevated, although she tried to hide it. He could sense that the same rush of emotions that were coursing through his body were coursing through hers. Never had her aura been so easy to interpret.

"I'm alright Obi-Wan. I don't need anything." she said as she retreated back to her bunk. He went back to the bin where his clothes lay forgotten. He turned off the light as she settled herself in. "Good night Sahrea." he said before walking out into the camp.

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