The Infiltration of Vardos: The Duel

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After minutes of intense sparring, Windu finally managed to get another cut in on the count. He cried out in pain, gripping his arm.

Breathing heavily, Dooku looked up at him, furious. Mace took the momentary vulnerability to Force push the Sith into the wall. Dooku collided with it had before dropping down to the floor. He laid there on his stomach for a moment. Windu started walking towards Count Dooku's unconscious form.

Suddenly, Mace got a bout of dizziness. He gripped his head and stumbled to one side. It passed a second later, but for a moment the image before him... flickered? What was going on? He blinked and Dooku went blurry again.

Then it hit him: the mist. What was that mist? Thinking back on an old Jedi trick that focused on seeing past illusions, Windu calmed his mind and began to focus.

As Dooku got up, the image flickered once again to reveal... Cordelia. He shook his head. It was her alright. Whatever that mist was must have been hallucinogenic. He looked to the Gray.

"Cordelia, snap out of it." he commanded. She did not hear him. She swung out at the Jedi Master with her orange blade. The other hilt was nowhere to be seen.

Windu cursed under his breath. He didn't want to hurt her, but he did not have time for this. Dooku was getting away. He took a deep breath and dodged her strikes.

"How could you betray me like this? Why?" Cordelia asked desperately. She was crying. Windu wondered who she thought she was talking to. Certainly not Dooku in that sad, broken tone of voice.

"Cordelia, you have to focus. See through the illusion." he said. She slashed at him again. He sidestepped it.

"Consult! Listen to me." he tried again. He sucked in a breath as she came dangerously close to stabbing him. No longer willing to play this game, he grabbed both of her wrists. She dropped her saber onto the floor.

Cordelia tried to wrench herself away from him, but Windu's grip was like iron. She backed up to create some distance before kicking him in the ribs. He lurched forward in pain, forcing him to let her go.

She raised him up in a Force choke. Not enough to kill him, but enough to get the adrenaline pumping.

"Please don't make me do this. Please just come back with me, join the Republic." she begged.

"Sorry kid." he managed to get out. He reached out to a fallen pipe on the floor in the corner. It flew into the air of its own accord. It hit the Gray hard in the side of the head and she ragdolled to the ground.

Windu dropped to the floor, coughing. On his hands and knees, he looked at the ground until he caught his breath. That girl had some serious skill. He crawled over to check on the consult to make sure she was breathing. She was. He wished he didn't have to do that, poor kid. A scuff sound drew his attention upwards. Windu got to his feet and saw Dooku standing next to the back exit.

"What did you think of my newest little trick Master Windu?" Tyranus asked. He clenched his jaw.

"It was very interesting count. Too bad that duel wasn't real. Now I get my second chance." the Jedi Master said. He took a breath. Dooku tilted his head in interest.

"You saw me? Curious." he noted. Windu rushed at him. Dooku flipped over him and landed over top of the unconscious Gray Jedi. Cordelia said something unintelligible and moved slightly before going still again. He looked down at her.

"Such a pity. Sahrea would have made a most promising apprentice." Dooku said with mocking sympathy. Windu kept his face neutral, but somehow the count saw through his facade.

"You mean she has not told you yet?" Dooku stated with an amused smile. He gave a chuckle.

"Better late than never, I suppose. Cordelia here is none other than Sahrea Shan, the last living descendant of the legendary Jedi Bastila Shan and her husband, the infamous Darth Revan." he explained, relishing in the reveal. Windu's hand tightened around his saber hilt. Dooku looked down to the Gray again.

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