Investigation on Iveria: Purple Diamond

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The first thing that Kenobi saw as they left the landing pad was a surprisingly empty street in comparison to the number of ships they were leaving behind.

Everything was covered in ash; the storefronts, the ground, the speeders. Kenobi looked up towards the sky. They were lucky. It was clear or else they would have to wait until the acid rain passed.

To their left was a female Zabrak lounging against the wall of a struggling cantina entertaining about three people. She had a hand on the shoulder of a Devaronian, who was sitting on a bench near the entrance. He had been leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, but sat back in interest at the two newcomers. He whispered something to the female. She stared at them intently as she responded.

Kenobi cursed. Even undercover they drew attention. They had to tone it down even more. Kenobi's eyes fell on the most populated tavern on the street.

"There looks like a good place to start." he said, heading for it. Skywalker trailed behind for a moment before stepping up to Kenobi's side.

"So we're not going to discuss it?" Anakin asked as they followed the pumice road. Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.

"Discuss what?" he replied as they passed a shop selling very illegal weapons. Skywalker gave him a smirk.

"What do you think of Sahrea?" he asked slyly. Kenobi sighed.

"Anakin, what are you getting at?" he inquired tiredly. He wanted to find the Gray, not discuss her. Skywalker shrugged nonchalantly.

"She's a talented warrior, smart, level headed, very pretty." Anakin stated, shooting Kenobi a look at the last two words. His pulse beat uncomfortably in his stomach. He refused to meet his friend's gaze.

"Yes she is. Are you planning on asking her on a date?" he joked, his voice missing all mirth. Skywalker sighed.

"Are you gonna make me say it?" he complained as they reached the cantina. A drunk man stumbled out, arm in arm with a Aqualish. Kenobi had to sidestep so he didn't walk into them.

"You... you and I are close, right?" the man slurred to his companion. "We're like brothers, you and me. We're gonna take the galaxy by storm, Til and... uhh... what's your name again?" he asked as the two wobbled by. Kenobi rolled his eyes at them.

The Aqualish tripped over, well Kenobi assumed his own feet, cause nothing was in his way. He fell into the porous street. Til began to laugh much too hard for the situation. He keeled over and ended up on the ground next to his newfound friend. Kenobi shook his head dismissively.

Skywalker pushed through the doors to the cantina, which were hanging on by one rusted hinge. One strong wind or drunk patron would be enough to take it down.

"Anakin, you're going to have to be more specific." Kenobi replied to his pupil's question as he pushed past a Twi'Lek male and entered.

The cantina was dimly lit. There was a bartender in the center of the room. He was making drinks inside a circular bar. On the exterior were tables filled with species from every corner of the galaxy. The walls and floor were both a dingy, dirty grey. A few suspicious looking stains adorned the space. The tables were covered in grime. It had a very pungent scent that mixed with the sulfuric air creating a very pleasant smell that cause Obi-Wan's nose to crinkle in disgust. It was loud with the drunken conversations of the patrons. Kenobi could barely hear himself think. Skywalker shook his head.

"You're gonna make me say it." he said as they pushed through the large crowd. "I see how you look at her." His voice was barely audible over the noise. "It's the same way you looked at Satine." He apparently wasn't as good as he thought at hiding his emotions, at least when it came to Anakin. A knot formed in his stomach. This was not a conversation Kenobi wanted to have, especially right now.

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