Epilogue I

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Power is a lie. There is only the Force.


Sahrea Shan peered out from behind the landing gear of the ship. It was an odd feeling, not being alive, of being a ghost. It had worked.

She looked past, to where her husband, Obi-Wan Kenobi was still holding her dead body. To the Inquisitor, the fallen Jedi Barriss Offee, who lay behind them. To their son Anakin, who was feet away from his parents, pale from shock. Shan wanted to run to them, but the second she took a step, the world shifted and went black.


There is dark and there is light.


Shan blinked her eyes open. She stumbled to the side, disoriented from whatever that was. How much time had passed since her death? She hadn't felt asleep, nor had she felt dead. Not even somewhere in the middle. It was something else entirely.

She was in an unfamiliar room. It was dark and the wind was whipping outside, pelting the house with razor like sand. There was a small light in the corner, emitting a gentle glow to the room. It became apparent this room was that of a child.

Toys laid on the floor. There was a stuffed Serchaa and Stormtrooper. Miniature swoop bikes were placed askew, like they had spun out mid-race and stayed there. A turned off holorecorder was there as well.

She turned. There was a bed with a small form under the covers. The head of a plush Bantha was peeking out from under the sheets. The form moved, peaking a blond head over the blanket. He gave a small, fearful yipe at her presence.

"Are you a meeri?" he asked, voice trembling. A meeri was like a mirage. Pirates and merchants alike would all come back from the deserts with stories of disappearing lakes, ghosts of women, flying dragons. Shan was not sure why the Force brought her here, but it did. She stepped towards the boy.

"No. I am a friend." she told him. She was very curious as to why this boy could see her. As far as she knew, only those who witnessed a person die could see their presence after death, but yet, this boy could see her.

"What is your name?" she asked gently. He wavered before responding. "I'm Luke." he said. Luke Skywalker. What are the odds? Shan smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Luke. Would you mind if I stay with you a moment? The sandstorm outside is a little terrifying." she asked. She could tell he was scared, but a boy his age would not willingly admit that. He stared at her for a moment before nodding his head yes.

"Well if you're scared, you can stay." Shan walked forward. "Thank you." She found she could sit on the edge of the bed, which frankly she wasn't sure she would be able to do. She wasn't sure how this ghost-presence thing worked quite yet. It didn't exactly come with a manual.

"Try to sleep." she told him. Emotion stabbed deep into her chest. Doing this broke her heart, not for Luke, but for her own children. She already missed them terribly. Here she was, comforting another child when she should have comforting her own. Sometimes she did not understand the Force.

She brushed the hair off the boy's brow as he snuggled deeper into the blankets. They stayed like that for a few minutes before a light flicked on outside his door. Sahrea stood up immediately.

"Luke?" a female voice called as the door to his room opened. A woman, his Aunt Beru, entered. "I just came to check on you. The storm is wild outside. Are you alright?" she asked gently.

"I'm fine. I have my new friend to keep me company." he said. Beru looked around in concern, but could not see Sahrea.

"What friend?" Beru asked, confused. Shan put her fingers to her lips, implying for Luke to keep her presence between them. He nodded. "My Bantha." he covered, lifting up the stuffed toy for her to see. His aunt gave him a look, but didn't question it.

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