Investigation on Iveria: Red Ledger

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Maul grabbed Shan and put his lightsaber over her chest. It was so close that even though it wasn't even touching her, it still managed to burn her skin through her robes.

Maul walked her into the hallway with a tight grip over her collarbone and throat. She could feel his body expanding against her back with each breath. He was smart enough not to give her even the slightest bit of wiggle room and she expected nothing less of him.

They weaved their way to the docking ramp. It was a large ship, so there were too many twists and turns for Shan to keep track of. It was dark hallway, dark hallway, door, dark hallway. It had a sulfurous smell as well but she couldn't tell if that was from the ship or the outside.

Maul was quiet the whole way. It wasn't a silence of concentration or anxiety, but one of anticipation. He wanted Obi-Wan and he was coming because of her. Her stomach got a negative, fluttering feeling.

They reached the ramp. A light flashed from red to green on their right before a long, monotone beep sounded. The ramp descended in a cloud of exhaust. Maul shoved her roughly onto the slope. As the fog cleared, she saw two smoky silhouettes in the distance.

"Kenobi." Maul greeted. Once the vapor was completely gone, she could see it was indeed her general. Just seeing him relieved a good amount of her anxiety.

Obi-Wan stood there, looking more grim than Sahrea had ever seen him. His gaze fell on her and his face became even stonier. Did she really look that bad? She figured that the bruise covering the right side of her face must have darkened nastily by now. There was blood on her robes and down her face. She had also barely slept and Maul had given her very little food. In short, she probably looked horrendous.

"Well I'm here Maul. Now let her go." he said, dropping his cloak. His voice was tight. He looked like he had slept even less than her. He and Skywalker ignited their sabers at the same time. Maul forced Shan forward onto the cement of the pad. He dug his fingers into the bones of her shoulder.

"The first time I stabbed Qui-Gon Jinn through the stomach." he recanted. Kenobi went pale, but his face still held that fierce look.

"The second time I stabbed Satine Kryze through the chest." In the back of her mind, Shan wondered what Satine Kryze, the deceased Queen of Mandalore, had to do with anything, but considering she had a former Sith Lord's saber at her throat, she didn't think on it too much.

Maul angled his blade up towards her windpipe, quick and sudden. Sahrea recoiled, pressing her face into the Zabrak's shoulder to avoid contact. He donned a wicked smile.

"I'm thinking this time, I continue moving up and go with the throat." He brought it so close to her skin that she could feel the vibration beyond the heat. Her heart thumped wildly. She had no doubt that Maul would kill her, given the chance.

Kenobi tightened his grip on his saber hilt. Shan noticed that he had both of her sabers on his belt. A plan formulated in her mind. The Zabrak forced her closer to Obi-Wan once again. There was no real reason for this other than Maul relishing the pain it caused the Jedi. They were about three large steps apart.

"What do you want Maul? You already have the holocron." Shan said, although she was in no position to ask questions. Her heart was pounding so hard, it hurt. Her body was trembling, but she was trying to control it. Maul could already sense how afraid she was; she didn't need him seeing it too. The former Sith cackled.

"I just want to see how long it will take for Kenobi to break." Obi-Wan stepped forward and lifted his cyan saber to Maul's ear.

They stood there in their stalemate, neither one budging. It felt eternal. Then Maul smirked before twitching his saber in towards Sahrea's throat. It would have gone through, had a deafening crash thrown all of them amuck.

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