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Luna slowly opened her eyes, waking up in her bed at Charlies

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Luna slowly opened her eyes, waking up in her bed at Charlies. She had expected her bedroom to be empty and waking up with Paul standing over her, not what she expected. 

Her body jerked in surprise, "Paul? What the hell?" 

"I'm in deep shit, Luna." He told her as she sat up, "Like really deep shit." 

"What did you do?" She eyes him suspiciously. 

"I was at the beach and I imprinted on." Paul said, beginning to pace her bedroom. 

"And? What's so bad about that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because it was on Rachel Black!" He exclaimed. 

Luna starred at Paul, jaw dropped and eyes wide. 

"Say something." He pleaded, practically falling to his knees on her mattress. 

"Jacob's gonna kill you." She said, dragging out the 'u'.


"Okay, okay." She stood up from her bed. "I'm gonna shower and brush my teeth. Then we're gonna go to Sam and Emily's to figure this out." 

She walked out of her bedroom, only to come back a few seconds later. 

"I forgot clothes." 


Luna and Paul walked into Sam and Emily's house, finding the whole back and Rachel and Rebecca. 

"Luna!" The two eldest Black's exclaimed, rushing over to hug her. 

"Jacob told us last night about your engagement." Rebecca said. 

"Come on." Rachel almost squealed, "We wanna see the ring." 

Luna held up her hand, the one she started wearing her ring on after they told her Dad, and showed the girls. The three of them looked at each other before squealing. 

"Congratulations you too." Rebecca smiled.

 "Thank you." 

"You didn't!" Jacob's voice boomed, causing everyone to turn towards them. 

Jacob stood up glaring at Paul and breathing really heavily. 

"Jake!" Sam stood up, "Outside! Now!" 

"It just happened man." Paul held his hands up in defense.  


Luna rushed over to her best friend and put her hand on his chest, "Jake, hey, calm down." 

Jacob slowly started to shake, but Luna could tell that he was still angry.

"Go take a walk, run, do something." Luna told him. "Just go cool off." 

The youngest Black stormed out of the house as Embry pulled Luna to his chest. 

"What just happened?" Rebecca asked.

"Uh, boys? Can I talk to you all out side?"


"You imprinted on Rachel!?" Quil and Embry exclaimed, starring at Paul in shock.

He groaned, throwing his head back, "Yes. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did." 

"Then your lucky that Luna was there to calm Jacob down." Leah had her usual scowl on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Oh shut up Leah." Jared told her. 

"Look," Sam used his alpha voice, "Imprinting can't be helped, so Jacob is just gonna have to suck it up. As for you," He pointed at Paul, "You take Rachel on a walk and tell her, everything. And when you're done come back here." 


"Paul." Luna said in a warning voice.

"Fine." He mumbled going inside, a few moments later coming outside with Rachel. 

"Have fun." Quil teased as the two walked by, "Ow! Luna!" 

"Stop teasing before I tell everyone what happened in fifth grade with Mallory Martin." 

Quil's eyes got wide as Embry busted out laughing at the look on his best friends face. 

"You promised you'd never bring that back up!" Quil shouted, pointing a finger at her. 

Luna smirked up at him, "I lied." 

580 Words

Author's Note: 

This chapter is also dedicated to @Hufflepuff_Queen-Tia

Only two more chapters before we're back in the story line of Breaking Dawn Pt. One. If there is anything that you want to see happen between Bella and Luna let me know and I'll work something into to it. 

I love seeing different ideas that I can use as original chapters because if I have something to go by then the better the original chapter is.


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