Part 4

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The next day Jungkook was ready to bring Y/n home.

Jungkook strapped the car seat in and slowly buckled the baby in making sure she doesn't get disturbed and wake up wailing. The drive home was quite surprisingly peaceful, even though y/n did wake up halfway through she didn't cry but instead just stared up at the cars roof making gurgling noises.

Finally, they arrived at Jungkook's small shabby apartment. Looking around Jungkook realized that he had nothing prepared for the baby.

Sighing he looked at the little girl in the carrier "Welp Princess looks like we're going on your first shopping trip."

Jungkook strapped the car seat back in and carefully buckling in the little baby. With her big doe eyes she looked up at the tall name that she would call daddy and gurgled incoherent words.

Chuckling and showing his signature bunny smile Jungkook gave a quick peck on her head that surprisingly has a little bit of hair. Finally, after a few minutes of driving they arrived at the local mall taking out the carrier and walking inside.

Jungkook knew he didn't have that much cash on him but he wanted the best and the newest for his little princess and would try his best.

After walking around they came to a small baby store with a bunch of pregnant women and new parents looking around. Jungkook grabbed a cart sitting the seat inside.

"Alright miss Y/n let's get shopping" The little girl didn't even here him or payed attention considering that she was currently passed out sleeping.

Many women helped the new father picking out clothes and the best crib that would be perfect for her. Jungkook walked up to the register setting everything down and looking at the cashier with a sheepish smile.

"New father?" She asked while scanning the items

"Ha ha yeah...I've never been shopping before..." Jungkook wouldn't lie if someone asked if he was uncomfortable right now because of the cashier lady giving him looks and "casually" brushing his hand as he grabbed the receipt.

Walking out with big bags and large packages shoving everything in the back of the car Jungkook looked at the still sleeping baby sighing.

"You're not spoiled, you're just well loved" he chuckled at his own statement once again strapping the baby in and going back to the apartment.


Jungkook was finally done setting up the changing table, crib, and high chair. Throwing himself down on the couch he looked at the little baby that was currently being supported by pillows to sit up while he worked, she looked at him bringing a small gummy smile to her face. Jungkook couldn't help but smile back.

Jungkook also made sure to make a bottle of every formula there was just in case she didn't like one or if he just ran out. He wanted to be perfect. Picking up the girl he sat her on his lap supporting or head as they stared at each other.

Like her father the baby couldn't stop smiling looking up at the man that was now raising her all by himself.

Jungkook started to sing to the little baby as she slowly closed her eyes finally drifting off to a deep slumber. He continued to sing as he slowly got up walking to his room and placing her in the crib beside his bed. Slowly lowering her down to the soft bedding he stopped singing looking down at his own bundle of joy seeing her tiny chest rise up and down.

A tear left his eye. He could never think of giving her up or losing her. He hopes that she will stay by his side as she grows stronger.

Jungkook did his night routine and getting into bed himself but he couldn't help but to turn to his left side again staring at the baby who slept peacefully.

3:56 AM

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH" a giant wailing sound made Jungkook immediately wake up from his peaceful sleep only to see his little girl kicking her legs and crying her little heart out.

"Shhhhh y/n it's okay...Daddy's here..." Slowly he picked her up rocking and bouncing softly as she cried.

"Are you hungry? Let's go get your bottle" Jungkook made his way to the kitchen picking out a bottle out of the millions he had prepared, putting it in the bottle warmer, and making sure it's the perfect temperature.

The little girl latched her tiny lips onto the nipple of the bottle sucking and looking at her surroundings as she ate.

Finally after seeing the bottle was almost empty Jungkook took the bottle away slowly and burping the baby to make sure that she was full. Jungkook being the extra cautious person he was he changed her diaper a 3rd time making sure it was clean.

Holding her up to his chest while he cleaned the dirty bottle and the counter the baby listened to her fathers soft heartbeat slowly falling asleep never letting go. Looking down Jungkook saw his little princess soundly asleep again he made his way back to his room in the crib and going back to sleep himself.

Both daughter and father going back to dream land once again.

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