Part 22

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The next day Y/n rolled out of her bed groaning. Standing in the middle of her room rubbing her eyes she heard the sound of her phone going off. Barely getting enough sleep on her mind she knew what was going to happen and which she will choose.

Sluggishly moving to the bathroom Y/n heard two voices in the living room making her stop in her tracks. With Jungkook's new job he has to leave before Y/n gets up so yes she was very confused and scared at the same time.

Hearing the iconic windshield wiper laugh Y/n let her heartbeat calm down from its big moment. Turning back around Y/n grabbed some clothing and the essentials making her way to the bathroom to start her morning. After her whole routine Y/n walked into the apartment kitchen only to see two men sitting at the table waiting for her.

"Uncle Jinnie, Uncle Joon what are you guys doing here?" Y/n asked with her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well your dad sent us a text last night saying that you missed us, so we just decided to come and take you to school, then after we will pick you up," Namjoon answered smiling at the girl, "also uncle Jinnie made breakfast." Y/n just simply smiled pulling out her chair before grabbing the chopsticks to dive into the delicious food.

After the three finished their meals Jin picked up the plates and bowls to go wash them in the sink while Y/n and Namjoon got ready to head off to the school. Saying a quick goodbye to Namjoon, Seokjin and Y/n went out to the car and drove away.

For most of the ride it was silent until Jin decided to break it.

"Soooo those two boys..." Jin said awkwardly not sure if it was a tough topic or not. To be honest Jin really never knew what to say to Y/n as she got older cause yanno...girls sometimes get moody...(I can be VERY moody sometimes so if you aren't then it must be nice).

"Yeah...I don't know I think I want to wait till graduation to say my answer so I know for sure" Y/n answered honestly making Jin give a little smile.

"Well I just want you to know that my nephew is going to be starting school here so if you see him and he calls your name I told him so he wouldn't be so lonely on his first day," Y/n chucked at his statement. Jin was always considerate when it came to his actual family and Y/n of course.

"Don't worry I'll try to make him feel comfortable, you can drop me off here Jinnie," With that Jin dripped Y/n off in front of the school watching her run into the building. A small tear escaped his eyes not believing how kind and beautiful she grew up to be. She is definitely her fathers daughter. As Jin drove home he reminisced about the days that Jungkook would bring baby Y/n into his old coffee shop since Jungkook could not afford an actual sitter at that time.

He remembered how Y/n would try to sneak those little treats that they would leave out for costumers resulting in Y/n getting caught by her father and him giving in to her cuteness and buying the whole containers for her.

Her first day of Kindergarten Jungkook came crying to Jin after he just dropped her off Jungkook saying how he didn't want her to grow up as fast as she did.

Y/n was always and still is a strong girl and doesn't give up when things get tough. She got that from her father.

Meanwhile, Y/n was already in her first period classroom just waiting for the day to start already so she could go home in the comfort of Jungkook's arms. Looking around at the other students Y/n noticed a boy with what looked like dyed black hair standing in a corner playing with the ends of shirt awkwardly not sure what to do.

When the two made eye contact Y/n gave a little smile and patted the space beside her giving him a signal (JRRT JRRT...sorry...) that it was okay for him to sit with her. Walking awkwardly the boy made his way to the back of the classroom where Y/n was taking the seat beside her.

"Hi I'm Jeon Y/n," Y/n said wile holding out her hand for a handshake.

"Oh you're the girl my uncle told me about I'm Kim Taehyung," Taehyung took Y/n's small hand into his giving a small shake. While the two were conversing a hand slammed down on the table making Taehyung and Y/n towards that direction.

"Excuse me buddy but this is my seat," Y/n just rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Yoongi he's new so calm down," Yoongi poked the inside of cheek at Y/n's statement making him feel more irritated than he already was.

"I-It's Fine Y/n I'll find a seat somewhere else I'll just see you at lunch," with that Taehyung got up and walked to a different seat that made him sit alone.

"You know you didn't have to be that harsh Yoongi we were just talking," Y/n said with a bit of attitude in her voice.

Yoongi scoffed, "whatever I don't need another boy screwing up my plans"

"What plans?" Y/n questions.

"Nothing don't worry about it"

(I'm gonna skip to lunch time cause I literally don't know what do to)

Yoongi and Taehyung actually got surprisingly along pretty well. Better than what happened this morning. Sitting in their usual spots Y/n looked around trying to spot Hoseok not seeing him anywhere.

"Yoongi do you know where Hoseok is? He doesn't usually skip lunch" Yoongi just shrugged at Y/n's question before answering.

"Maybe he's in the library go check there"

Y/n made her way out of the loud cafeteria to nice peaceful and quiet library that actually had a good amount of students in.

Looking between each book shelf there was still no sign of Hoseok until she came to a corner where the lonely boy sat studying trying not to fall asleep.

Walking slowly up to him Y/n pulled out the chair that sat in front of him making Hoseok jump awake.

"I WASNT SLEEPING MRS LEE I PROMISE" Hoseok yelled but quickly calmed his rapid beating heart seeing the girl with the beautiful bunny smile sitting in front of him.

Y/n chuckled seeing how flustered the boy was warming up her heart, "why are you here instead of eating with us in the cafeteria?"

Hoseok let out a big sigh before laying his head on the table, "I need to pass Mrs. Lee's science class but nothing is going through my brain I just can't seem to get it"

"I'll help you I'm decent at science but I can help with what I know," Y/n said understanding Hoseoks struggle.

Scooting you're closer to him Hoseok blushed at the closeness of both of their faces being so close together. After 5 minutes Hoseok got a better understanding at the subject now that it was explained by his favorite person.

"And that's about it," Y/n finished turning her head to Hoseok seeing him staring intently at her (👁👄👁)making a deep red blush creep onto her cheeks. Y/n could see how Hoseoks eyes went from her eyes down to her lips.

Taking a deep breath Y/n decided that it was time to take action and pressed her lips onto Hoseoks leaving the poor boy surprised and in disbelief. After the small kiss Y/n backed away in embarrassment still not processing that she did that.

"I-I'm sorry Hoseok I just-" not letting her finish her sentence Hoseok grabbed Y/n face kissing her back with so much love and passion, and Y/n giving into the kiss with equal love.

After they both broke the loving kiss Hoseok smiled so brightly that would put the sun in shame.

" I like you Y/ much..."

"I like you a lot too Hoseok"

Little did they both know that someone stood behind the book shelf tears threatening to fall with a broken heart.

I'm back 😗✌🏻

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