8. hard

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A few days had passed and I had finally accepted that Caleb doesn't want me. I already knew this because over the last three days, he hadn't even spared me a look. Didn't even recognise that I was alive. My heart broke every time and I hated myself for it.

I was confused as to why he kissed me. My lips still tingle every now and then when I think about his firm lips on mine, the way he tasted, his body pressed against mine. I find myself thinking about it a lot and every time I scold myself.

That's when I lost count how many times I poured out my pot of rice and prayed to the moon goddess. I did it so much that I had pierced the skin on my knees and made myself bleed. But I deserved it, I deserved this pain, the rejection of my mate. This was her way of punishing me, for those bad things I did years ago. Every time I think back to it I feel sick, I panic.

During training I had been pushing and pushing myself to do better, to distract myself from the agonising pain in my body. Jaxon recognised my efforts but he wasn't the one I wanted to win over, again I scolded myself for thinking this way.

My appetite had reduced but I forced myself to eat to keep my strengths up for when I trained, I couldn't be throwing up like last time.

Sitting in the kitchen my eyes are trained on the window in front of me, rain hits the window softly. My hand twiddles the fork in my bowl, playing with the pasta that sits in front of me.

I don't even notice anyone else enter the room until Ava sits on the stool next to me. I'm instantly startled as she leans forward on the island and rests her head on her fist.

She doesn't say anything so I clear my throat. "Hi?" I say.

"You'd tell me anything right?" She instantly questions.

My brows furrow towards her as I nod eventually. "Yeah?"

"You wouldn't lie to me would you?"

I furrow my brows even further. "No,"

"Then what happened that night we went over to Caleb's, you disappeared for ages." Ava challenges me.

My cheeks begin to rise with heat. "Nothing," I speak.

Ava raises her eyebrows at me. "Are you lying to me?"

I shake my head too quickly and too aggressively.

"What did you just say about not lying to me?"

"I just—I mean," I struggle with my words.

"Don't even think about making up some bullshit story," she cuts me off. "The second you came back down to the kitchen Caleb's scent was all over you."

My voice got stuck in my throat.

"These idiots might not have smelt it but I did and there is no way you would be covered in his scent like that from just being at his house," Ava's eyes train on mine hard. She never breaks eye contact once and I find it hard to keep staring at her.

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