10. undeserving

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I hadn't seen Caleb in a few days, I physically couldn't bring myself to train with him. So I told Ava that I was feeling down and she convinced Jaxon to give me some time off as I had worked myself hard these last few weeks. Never in a million years would I think that he would he agree but he did and I was grateful.

It was now the weekend meaning that we had some time off, I had spent the majority of my morning in bed. Running my thumb up and down the scab markings on my forearm, my eyes couldn't stop looking at them. I gave in so easily, so easily to that piece of shit.

When you're in a bad headspace it's almost impossible to talk yourself out of doing something, the voices become too loud, the need to feel something increases. The desire to be punished was too much for me. I was so messed up.

Feeling anger bubble inside me, I yank down my jumper sleeve and begin to make my way downstairs. I can hear talking in the kitchen and it's not until I enter the room that I realise someone is crying.

Ava is sat hugging Kayleigh who is in complete hysterics, her cries sounded painful and it made my heart hurt.

Ava's eyes find mine and she gives me a sympathetic look, I was unsure whether I should just leave and pretend I didn't see anything but I couldn't.

So instead I walk towards them both and perch on the stool next to Kayleigh, gently placing my hand flat to her back.

Ava nods at me and smiles.

After a few moments Kayleigh raises her head from Ava's shoulder and looks at me, her eyes are damp and red. She struggles to catch her breath and I begin to slowly rub her back supportively.

"What's happened?" I ask softly.

My words make her clench her eyes tightly, like she didn't ever want to think about why she was upset.

Her face finds her hands and she cries again. So Ava and I just give her a little bit of time, hearing her in such distress sent a chill down my spine. There was nothing I hated more than other people being upset. I had heard so many girls cry and plead in my life that it is the last thing I'd ever want to hear again.

Kayleigh raises her head once more and wipes away blonde strands of hair that have stuck to her face. "My life is so shit," she mumbles. "So fucking shit."

"What has happened Kay? You're scaring me," Ava tucks her blonde hair behind her ears. I watch Ava's eyes and they look towards Kayleigh with sheer worry.

Kayleigh takes a few deep breaths before choking on her sobs. "I went to the hospital because I missed a few periods, thinking I could have been pre-pregnant even though I took tests and it said negative."

Her voice shakes and she pauses before carrying on. "Turns out I have polycystic ovaries and I'm—" Kayleigh's lip wobbles as she breathes out harshly. "I'm infertile."

The second the words leave her lips she cries again and Ava instantly hugs her into her chest.

"I'm so sorry Kayleigh," Ava's eyes fall sad and she doesn't look at me. One of her hands rub her back and Kayleigh's hand clutches onto Ava's top.

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