30. waffles

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Waking up with Caleb's strong arms wrapped around me was such a surreal feeling, our fingers were interlocked and held to my chest. His lips pressed to the back of my neck, I could die happy feeling like this.

The sun was shining bright through Caleb's blinds and I manage to wriggle my way out of his hold without waking him up. I stand from the bed and grab the nearest top I can find and quickly throw it on. Caleb's hands rest on his dark bed sheets, eyes still very much closed.

I quietly exit his room and make my way downstairs, I wanted to do something nice for him. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated him, what he did for us so that we could be together without having to be a secret.

Deep down I knew how hard and brave that was for him to come out to a room full of people, especially those who he lives with and spends all his time with. They're bound to have opinions, everyone is. I'm just not prepared to hear about them.

When I get downstairs I can hear the quiet hum of music playing in the kitchen and Zara standing by the sink.

It was still early so I presume that everyone else is still asleep.

She instantly turns when she hears my footsteps and she smiles brightly at me. "Good morning Evan," she says.

"Morning," I reply as I approach her.

"How are you?" She asks as she wipes her hands on the nearest tea towel.

"Yeah I'm good, was thinking of cooking something for Caleb." I say. "But then I've just realised I don't really know how to make anything." I laugh pathetically as I raise a hand to scratch the back of my head.

"Well good thing I did a big shop yesterday," Zara grins at me as she opens the fridge to reveal the shelves packed to the brim.

My eyes instantly light up as I walk to the fridge. "What do you suggest I make?" I questions.

"I know that Caleb is a sucker for waffles, I'm not sure why 'cause I'm more a pancake kinda girl but you know," she shrugs. "Whatever floats his boat."

"Waffles," I repeat.

"Yeah, we even have a wafflemaker he loves them that much but I don't think he's actually dug it out in years." Zara tells me as she starts to open the cupboards.

"Okay, tell me what ingredients we need." I say as I attempt to help.

Zara turns and points to the low cupboard behind me. "In there is the wafflemaker, I'll get all the necessary ingredients."

I do as she says and finds the maker inside the cupboard, she was right this thing hadn't been used in a while. Dust had gathered on the top of the lid and I reach for a paper towel before wetting it. As I wipe away the dust, Zara had already got all the things we needed to make the waffles.

"What kind of toppings does he like?" I ask as I watch her begin to pour the ingredients one by one into the scales.

"He loves banana and honey," she tells me confidently, no thought needed.

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