25. sunshine

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"Evan and I are mates, Jaxon. That's why I'm here." The words slip out of Caleb's mouth so easily. I stare at him in complete shock, was I hearing this right?

Caleb continues to look up at Jaxon but I was in complete awe of what was happening. His hand moves to find mine and gives me a tight squeeze. My heart was going to explode, was he finally coming to terms with this?

The room is silent for a few moments and I eventually tear my eyes away from Caleb and towards Jaxon. He looks back at both of us and he blinks like he's deep in thought, Ava is standing closely behind him.

"Oh," Jaxon says as his eyes furrow slightly. "Congrats guys, that's really... great. I'm happy for you." The words sound forced as Jaxon nods towards us.

"You don't sound it," Caleb shoots back quickly, his grip on my hand tightening. His voice wasn't harsh or aggressive, it sounded like he was hurt.

Jaxon's facial expressions relax as he begins to shake his head. "No I am happy for you guys, I'm just shocked? This is honestly the last thing I expected."

Ava moves forward and places her hand on the small of his back. "Be happy for them," she whispers up to him.

"I am, it's just we've been training together for more than two months now and you kept it from all of us for all this time?" He looks at Caleb, his eyes full of confusion.

Caleb's head lowers slightly. "I know," he says before clearing his throat. "I know it took too long but it's my fault. I told Evan to keep quiet about it because I needed time to think about how everyone was going to react. No one else knows, only you guys." His green eyes turn to me as he smiles gently.

Jaxon's eyes look at me, his lips frown. "He's your mate Caleb, not a secret." His voice is soft and completely catches me by surprise.

I have to stop the tears from falling again.

"I know he's not a secret," Caleb says quietly, his head ducking away from all of our stares.

"Well, we'll give you some space to talk," Ava says as she links her fingers through Jaxon's and pulls him out of the room, the door shutting loudly behind them.

Silence fills the room again until Caleb lets out a strained sigh. "This was never meant to happen pups," he says as his brings our entwined hands up to his mouth, his soft lips leave a lingering kiss between my knuckles.

"What wasn't?" I say back quietly.

My eyes watch him carefully as he looks out to the white floors, his eyes scanning over the outskirts of the room like he was contemplating the meaning of life. "This was never meant to get out of hand, you were never meant to be here." His eyes flicker to me and they're glassed over with tears again. "This is all my fault."

"The thought of you getting into the water with the purpose of—" he cuts himself off like he can't finish the sentence. He takes a breath and carries on. "The purpose of killing yourself fucking haunts me pups, I can't get the image out of my head and I just—" he stops again and he quickly wipes his eyes free of tears.

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