33. beautiful

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Opening my eyes was a struggle, my face felt stiff and my body felt crushed. Wincing as I move my hand so I can turn over, my eyes slowly cracking open. As I glance around I take in Caleb's room.

My head was pounding, the pain rushing to my forehead was enough to make me feel nauseous.

I felt completely dead inside, how had it come to this?

Sitting up in Caleb's bed, pressing my back to the headboard. Caleb was nowhere to be seen. Sighing as I attempt to push myself off the bed and stand, although my legs could barely take my weight.

I took a fucking battering and for what? For nothing because I still showed how much of a wimp I am, how I can't even win in a fight.

Limping over to the glass mirror on the wall, my heart stops when I look at my face. My eyes are purple, my lip bust and my nose bloody.

The sound of the door opening comes from behind me but I was too scared to even turn around. How could I face anyone after the stupid stunt I pulled?

"You're awake," Caleb's voice is loud, he doesn't sound impressed.

I swallow harshly before turning around to face him. My eyes settle on his as I watch as he crosses his arms over his chest and stares back at me.

"Yeah," I croak out. My voice sounded like I hadn't drunk any water for the past week.

"Why the fuck did you do that Evan?" Caleb's voice asks me.

Staring back at him, my eyes feeling weak to look at his disappointed face. "Because I'm sick to death of them talking about me," I mumble as I look down to the floor.

"So instead of just talking to me about it you decide to get beaten to pulp?!" Caleb exclaims as he steps closer to me.

"Because I'm tired of hiding away!" I yell at him.

His jaw clenches at the increase of my voice. "Do you even understand how close your wolf is to being paralysed?" His words comes out desperate.

Chewing my lip, I look to the wall as I try to ignore how much my heart was plummeting into my stomach.

"You have had so much physical pain Evan that your wolf is on its last legs, if you even took a few more punches—" Caleb pauses to raise his fist to his mouth. His eyes glisten and I can't tell if he's upset or it's the reflection from the light but either way my heart crumbles. "Do you even understand what that would do to us? To our bond?"

He was definitely crying, his eyes laced with tears. "Because once your wolf is paralysed there is no going back, it will slowly destroy you day by day. It will destroy us. Evan you need to be looking after yourself, after your wolf. He's physically weak, he doesn't heal. The next time this happens he might not come back. You might not come back." Caleb moves closer to me, his feet parallel to mine.

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