32. punch

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When I thought Caleb's pack were getting used to me, I thought wrong. Their eyes were constantly on me, watching me like a hawk and it was making me feel paranoid. I just wanted to know what they were thinking.

Regardless of what Caleb told me a few weeks ago, I still had my insecurities. Struggling to come to terms with the fact that a strong alpha like Caleb would want someone like me. Attempting to cover my emotions and act strong when I can see so obviously that people are still whispering and talking about me was hard. Keeping myself together so I didn't go crying to Caleb like a baby was even harder.

Today we were training in our human forms which I absolutely despise. When I train as my wolf I am strong and fearless, I don't feel like Evan who is small and weak. I am obviously slower and less coordinated and it's not only painful to our pack but to myself because I feel so worthless.

I know I needed to shake these stupid feelings but convincing yourself otherwise can be hard, you are your worst enemy they say.

Jaxon told me that I needed to stop walking around the perimeter and avoiding everyone when we train as humans because I'm not helping myself to get better. He was right but sometimes things are easier said than done.

I just wanted to hide, from them, from Caleb, from everything.

As I walk along the stream that is right at the edge of our territory, I knew I was safe up here and out of harms way.

Bird chirp amongst the trees, the wind was still which only made the air feel more humid. As I loop round the edge of the stream my feet stop right in front of me when I see Luke, Kieran and a girl from Caleb's pack walking in my direction but they hadn't seen me.

"Fuck," I curse as I take a step back, my foot snapping a branch in the process.

Their heads snap to the sound and they instantly find my eyes. Luke and Kieran share a glance before looking towards the girl, "told you he always hangs around the perimeter." I hear one of them mumble.

Turning my back on them and walking in the opposite direction, I can hear their footsteps behind me but I try my best to ignore them.

"What's up Evan?" Luke calls after me.

Beginning to pick up my pace to get away from them. "What you doing always hanging around the corners, hey?" Kieran shouts.

Ignoring them as my feet pick up and I break out into a small run. "What would precious Caleb think of you never taking part in training eh?" Luke says deeply.

My feet pound against the floor as I run off through the trees, adrenaline races round my body.

"How's Caleb going to bring up the pack with someone who is too weak to even take part in simple training?" Kieran's voice shouts as it echos through the trees.

I avoid everyone like the plague and keep low for the rest of the session. My self esteem was through the floor right now and I wanted nothing more than to hide in my bed for the rest of the day.

Why could I never catch a break?

Once training is over I rush back to the pack house without another word, I ran faster than I did during training.

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