hurt .44

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It takes a few days to regain my strength and get this nasty headache to finally go away. Zara continuously made me delicious food and ensured me that she wanted to be helpful.

In the process of resting I sat my pack down and explained what happened to me, making sure that they knew that I didn't just abandon them. I could never do that.

They questioned why I didn't mindlink them and let them know that Ryker had taken me, they wanted to help. But then I explained that he took these abilities away using his mind control, the pack were shocked and didn't realise that the severity of his powers.

Once the peace was made, they all apologised for jumping the gun before knowing the real story. I was gone for over four months and they thought I never tried to contact them. As much as it hurt me to think that they thought I would just up and leave, the circumstances are understandable.

I was able to reconnect all of our mindlinks, now that Ryker was dead that meant his power had undid his damage.

As I sit at the kitchen island munching down the bacon and egg sandwich Zara made me, I forgot how good real food tasted and not the tinned slob we were fed.

"So there's something I actually need to tell you," Felix says as he perches on the chair beside me.

"What?" I question with a mouth full of food.

"I didn't want to say this when you first got back because I wanted you to focus on resting and calming your mind," he rests his head onto his fist.

"Just tell me Felix," my voice demands.

"So tomorrow we've been invited to the district committee gathering," he starts and I push my plate forward so I can rest my elbows on the table. "And I think that Jaxon's pack is going to be there."

My throat clenches at his words. Tomorrow.

"They might not go, I have no idea. But I thought I should just give you the heads up." Felix says gently.

I nod at his words and take a moment to find my own.

"But if he is there Caleb, you cannot make a scene."

"I know Felix," I say as I sigh and quickly scratch the back of my head. "I wouldn't do that to him."

The idea of seeing him sent off butterflies in my stomach, nerves knotting inside me. Suddenly a rush of nausea washes over me and I felt like I was going to taste that bacon sandwich twice.

"Hey," Felix slaps his hand down onto my back and I glance my eyes up to him. "It's going to be okay, Zar and I will be by your side."

My stomach churns again and I run my hands through my hair. "Meeting this way might be better than just turning up at his door, that way you're not being intrusive and he might be more willing to talk." Felix says as he finally removes his hand from my back.

"You're right," I say as I clear my throat. "God, I'm not going to sleep tonight."

"It's going to be okay," Felix tells me supportively.

I just wished that I believed his words.

. . .

I adjust my tie in the mirror, my eyes settling on my own reflection. The dark circles that lay under my eyes are a good indication that I didn't get a wink of sleep. Instead I spent the night tossing and turning, letting my brain run a million different scenarios in my head.

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