things take a turn for the worst

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          Bella pov

I just changed the laundry over and started a new load in the washing machine.

We have been here for four months now and I haven't ran into Edward again. Which is a good thing.

I don't think I'm ready to see him just yet. I'm still kind of angry with him for walking out on me. Plus I'm not sure if I could even deal with the emotions.

No letter, not even a text or call. I just don't understand. I went to go walk upstairs and something grabbed my foot and pulled me back down the stairs.

I sat there stun for a minute. What the fuck.  I get up and walk back upstairs into the kitchen.

I made lunch. "Mason time for lunch son." I waited and didn't hear him. That's weird. He always comes running when you call Mason.

So I looked in living room and he wasn't in there either. I ran back upstairs and looked in his bedroom and he wasn't there either.

I ran and looked in every room including the closet plus the one under the stairs.

I grabbed my cell phone and called my dad. "Hey Bells, what's up?" He asked me.

"Mason missing. I can't find him in the house dad." I told him. "I'm on my way." Dad hung up and I put my phone in my back pocket.

I ran out to the old barn. "Mason you out here?" I called out. But nothing answered back.

I was in a panic now. Where could a 3 year old go? Right  now my brain is working over time.

I was standing in the middle of the field. "MASON!" I screamed out. But still nothing. Come on, this can't be happening.

My dad finally pulled in and I ran to him and my arms wrapped around him.

I started crying. Dad wrapped his arms around me. "Will find him baby girl." I buried my face into his neck.

"I was pulled down the basement stairs dad." He pulled away and looked at me.

"Are you alright?" I nod my head. We walked back into the house. "Did you check the attic?" I shook my head no. "I didn't think of that." I told him.

"You wait here and I'll go check." I watch my dad walk up the stairs until he disappeared.

I started pacing. "Bells!" I turned around and he had Mason in his arms.

I walked up and took him into my arms and he was crying. "What's wrong son?" I asked him.

"They locked me in mommy. They said they hurt you and grandpa if I didn't stay with them?" I looked up at my dad.

I knew then I had to find help and soon. My dad nodded his head in agreement knowing what I was thinking.

Later that night I was sitting at the kitchen table looking at my laptop trying to figure out how I would look this up.

I tried paranormal groups. There was a very few of them. Then I seen a ad for Cullen's paranormal group.

If you have problems with paranormal or spirits just email us and will see if we can help you.

I sent them a email and wondered if Edward was apart of this group.

Probably not. I'm still kinda of mad at him. He left me. No letters, no text message or phone call. He just disappeared out of my life and now I didn't even really know if this could really be him? What are the chances here?

We'll soon find out won't I?

        Edward pov

I was up late tonight thinking about Bella for some reason. I actually thought about her a lot since I just disappeared out of her life.

I couldn't tell her I could see ghost or had powers. My laptop dinged letting me know I had a email so I opened it.

To who it may concern,

  We have a paranormal problem. Its been going on since day one when we moved in.

Now its gotten worse. It told my son if he didn't stay in the attic and stay quiet they kill me and his grandpa.

I was also pulled back down the basement stairs. I did research on the house and property.

At one time there was a hospital here until it was burnt down and this house was built right where the hospital was.

My son also seen a little girl. Which is the same girl I have a picture of.

I have lots of information. But I really need help here. This is beyond mine and my dads capability.

             Thank you
             Ms. Swan

There's no way in hell that could be Bella. I would of seen her in town.

Besides she doesn't have a son. So I emailed the lady back.

         Bella pov

I woke up and sat up in bed and noticed I have hand print bruises on my arm.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then my phone ring. I answered it.


"Hey I got some news for you."

"What would that be mom?"

"Mikes dead. He killed himself."

I dropped the phone and went into a vision.

I heard in my sleep "I'm here." Then felt my arm being squeezed.

I hurried and grabbed the phone. "Mom I got to go." I hung up and went downstairs.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and took a drink. "What happened to your arm Bells?" My dad asked. "Mike!" I blurted out.

"Mike? I thought he was in Florida?" He asked me. "He was. He commented suicide. He's here now." I told my dad.

I walked over to the table and sat down and turned on my laptop on.

"Did you find a paranormal group to help us?" My dad asked. "Hope so. What are the odds Edward would be part of the Cullen's paranormal group?" I asked my dad.

"Um, 1 out of 100." He told me. My email dinged and I opened it and read it out loud.

Ms. Swan,

   Thank you for your email. I'm  very sorry for what happen to you and your son.

  My team and I will take your case. Now how we work is we stay at your house for a week or longer depends what we find and the best way to help you.

We will arrive at your house at Tuesday next week at 3 p.m.

            See you then.
            E. Cullen

"Now what you going to do smart ass?" My dad asked me. "How do we even know its him for sure?" My dad chuckled.

"I'm glad you find this so funny. I'm so screwed. This house is going to be turned upside." I said.

"Why is the house going to be turned upside down mommy?" I looked up to see Mason in his spiderman pajamas.

"It's just a saying son. Want some cereal son?" He nods his head and sits down at the table.

I put his bowl in front of him and sat back down. Then something flew by my head.

I looked in front of me and stuck in the wall was a knife.

I slowly turned my head and looked behind me to see a red headed woman.

"What do you want?" She pointed to Mason. I got up and picked up Mason and held him close to me.

"You can't have him, you hear me. YOU CAN NOT HAVE HIM!" My dad came over and pulled us into his arms and all I could do is cry.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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