finding out the satanic cult is near

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       Bella pov

I woke up the next morning and noticed Edward was gone. I snuggle into the pillow and smiled remembering last night.

I got up and jumped into Edwards shower and washed up. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed my clothes.

I turned and looked at my bathroom. I chewed on my bottom lip. I looked around and all I could think about was Mike.

I quickly ran for Edwards bedroom and locked the door. I hurried and got dressed. I had to asked Edward something.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter. I saw everyone but Edward.

"Where's Edward?" I asked. "He had to make a trip to Seattle." My dad told me.

I bit my bottom lip. "I'm running into town. I got to get some stuff." I told them. "Not without someone going with you. Edwards orders." Figures.

Judy chose to go with me. I first went to the phone shop to get me a new phone. Then I went to the clothing store.

I needed a all black outfit and black boots to get Mason. I then went to the sporting good store and got a lot of climbing ropes and gear to go with it.

I went to the grocery store to and picked up food and other stuff for the house.

We finally went home. "Did you get beer?" My dad asked. "What do you think dad? I also bought whiskey." I told him.

"What's with all the climbing gear and ropes for?" I started chewing on my lip. "That's for Bella when she goes into the spirit world." Judy told Edward.

I grabbed a beer and took a swig. "Edward when you get a chance I need to talk to you?" I asked him. He nods his head and walks out.

It been hours but still haven't had a chance to talked to Edward. So I decided to text him.

Bella: Can I move into your bedroom with you because every time I go into my bedroom I'm scared to death of Mike putting his hands on me again even though he's a spirit.

I sent it. Then I realized what I wrote. On send. Take it back. "HE DID WHAT?" Shit! I tense up and bite my bottom lip.

I grab the whiskey bottle and took a big swig of it. "Why didn't you say anything?" Edward growled through his teeth.

I was facing the cupboards and took another swig. "Because he's never touched me sexually before. Plus if you think about it we weren't really together. So are you going to let me move into your bedroom or what?" I asked him.

I turned around and leaned back against the counter with my arms crossed. Edward walked over and put his hands on each side of me on the counter pinning me there.

He started kissing me behind my ear trailing kisses to my lips and started kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up on the counter and pulled me close to him.

We finally pulled apart and he leans his forehead against mine with his eye closed.

"Yes you can." I gave him a quick kiss. I'd pushed him back and jumped down.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom and started pulling clothes out of my dresser drawers. I took them to Edward bedroom.

I slide my dresser into his bedroom. Then put the drawers back in. I ran back into my bedroom and went into my closet and grabbed some of the clothes. It was going to take me three trips to clean my closet out.

Once I was done I went downstairs into the basement and grabbed me a storage container. I ran back upstairs to my bedroom and took all my pictures down.

Then I looked at the bathroom biting my bottom lip. I finally walked in there and started putting stuff into the storage container.

Then I saw something in the mirror and I looked up into the mirror and saw a small boy child about 8 or 9.

He had black hair. His clothes reminded of the early 1800s. I slowly turned around and kneeled down to the ground.

"What's your name?" I asked him. "Tim." Was all he said. "Why are you here?" I asked him.

"They won't let me leave." He told me. "Who won't let you leave?" I asked him. "The evil group of people." I gasped at what he told me.

Did they find me because of Mike or someone else. I got up and ran out of the bedroom downstairs trying to find my dad or Edward.

I found my dad first. "Dad we have a major problem. Tim a little boy spirit said he can't leave because the evil group. I don't know if its because of Mike or someone else. I know mom's apart of them." I explained to him.

"Are you sure your mom's apart of them?" I nod my head. "Shit!" I look at my dad wide eyed.

"What did you do dad?" I asked him. "She called me yesterday and asked me if you made it home and then asked me for our address so she could send Mason something." I punched the wall and grabbed my hand because that hurts.

"Bells!" My dad said as he grabbed my hand to look at it. "You bruised it that's all." My dad told me.

"What's going on in here?" Edward asked. "It would seem I did a big major mistake. Bells mom called me yesterday and well she asked me for the address so she could send Mason something. I had no clue she was apart of a satanic cult." My dad explained.

"How you find out?" Edward asked. I kept looking at my hand as my dad was wrapping it.

"I was packing up my bathroom and a little boy name Tim showed up in the bathroom and he told me he can't leave because the evil group won't let him." I explained to him.

"You have to be joking me?" I shook my head no. I turned my head and locked eyes with him.

"What am I going to do?" I asked. "Not you, me. I'm going to put up a protection spell around the house so they can't come in. But what ever here can't leave until we lead them or banish them." Edward told us.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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