Bella finds out that her mom is apart of the satanic group

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           Bella pov

Later that night I was sitting in bed reading some of the files.

Edward went back to his parents house to pack up the rest of his stuff and all the equipment from his paranormal group.

Dad had to go to work because a couple of people called in sick so I was at home alone.

I wish the paper work would give me some type of information. I must of fell asleep because something woke me up.

I could not move. Then I was taken into a vision.

I watched as a group of people we're in robes with hoods on. Then someone walked in the middle.

"You let her escape. Now you should pay for your mistake." I watch as a person walked up and then he pushed his hand inside the guys chest and his hands comes out with the heart.

The guy fell to the ground and the hood fell back and I gasped because it was Mike. "Burn his body." The guy said.

"Vern find this Swan girl and bring her to me. I need her and her son to complete the ritual." Then the vision was over.

I pushed with all my might and got up and I ran downstairs. I ran into the kitchen and turned on the light.

Then something grabbed a hold of me and threw me against the wall. I slide to the floor.

I crawled over to the counter where my phone was plugged in and grabbed it.

I just dialed the last number. "Bella what's wrong?" Oh shit of all the people I call and it's Edward.

"Help!" Is all I said. "Stay on the phone with me Bella. I'm on my way.

           Edward pov

I jumped into my truck and turned on the speaker on my phone.

"Bella let me know your still there." I told her. "I had a vision of Mike. He didn't kill himself he was murdered. He was in a satanic group. They want me and our son for some reason. There's more coming after us. His name is Vern." She explained to me.

Then I heard a crashing noise. "BELLA!" All I could here is banging and crashing noises. Then I heard screaming.

"HELP ME!" God what is happening there? Then the phone went dead. I hurried up and called Charlie and he said he meet me there.

I parked my truck and ran inside of the house. "BELLA WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled out.

"I'M HERE. HELP ME!" I ran for the kitchen and there was Bella hanging on to the door frame to the basement.

I quickly ran over and grabbed a hold of her and started pulling. But who ever had a hold of her was stronger.

Then I felt someone behind me start pulling on me helping. Then we all went backwards into the kitchen and Bella fell into me and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

I looked behind me and noticed it was Charlie that was helping me. I buried my face into Bellas hair.

I couldn't control my breathing. It took me a few minutes to get it under control.

"Edward you can let me go now." I looked down at her and she pulled away and looked up at me.

"I need to make a trip to Florida." Bella said. "Oh no you don't. If your vision is right and Mike was in a satanic group and this guy Vern is looking for you aren't going anywhere by yourself." I told her.

"Come on I'm not a child you can control Edward." Bella said. "Bells he's right." She looked between me and her dad.

"What if she didn't have to go by herself?" I asked. "You'd be welling to go with her and protect her?" Bella looked Confused.

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