Mason disappears

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          Bella pov

I was at the bar and I already been there about two hours and I was feeling pretty damn good.

So I decided to go home. When I got there I went upstairs to my bedroom and changed into a tank top and pajama shorts.

I went to my sons room and checked on him as I always do before I go to bed. I tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I went and shut the door to just a creak and I about jumped out of my skin when I saw Edward leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"You've done a very good job at raising our son on your own." He told me. "Yeah well, I didn't have a chose now did I?" I was a little irrated or it was me being a little buzz but who cares about that little detail.

I went to walk by, but Edward grabbed my arm and I turned around and flat out punch him right in the face.

"Don't touch me!" I jerk my arm away and went to my room and slammed my door. I went and laid down and fell asleep.

I could feel something on top of me. I open my eyes to see Mike above me.

I started fighting him but was to strong for being a spirit. I started screaming when I was slammed against the wall.

         Edward pov

I was watching the monitors and thinking about what Bella said earlier tonight about being a family then her saying how she had no choice in raising Mason by herself.

"HELP ME!" I heard Bella scream and I got up and ran upstairs. I seen Charlie trying to get Bella door open.

"What's going on?" I asked. "I'm not sure, I heard Bells screaming and I can't get inside." Then I see Emmett.

"Stand back I got this." Emmett told us. The next we knew he took a running start and the door came open.

Then we seen Bella towards the ceiling. "BELLS!" She turned and looked at us with fear written on her face.

"DAD, MASON. HELP HIM PLEASE!" I looked between Bella and my sons room and that instance I followed Charlie to Mason room.

We ran into Mason room and froze right in place. "Daddy help me!" When he called me daddy I moved as fast as I could and reached for his hands and landed on the floor.

"Hang on son." I told him. "I'm trying daddy." What ever had him was strong and it was a battle to hang on to Mason.

And then he was gone in a instance. "NO!" I screamed out. I buried my face into the floor.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Charlie there. "Come on. There's nothing we can do now. Let's go help Bells." I nod my head and get up.

           Bella pov

I kept turning my face. I refused to let Mike spirit have his way with me.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled out. Then I heard the door shut and I turned and look and Edward was the only one standing by the door.

"What is his name?" Edward asked me. "Mike!" I told him. What was Edward planning on doing?

I watched as Edward was walking to almost underneath me. "Hey Mike, leave Bella alone." Edward told him.

Then a hand went around my throat. "Not working here." I told Edward. "Didn't think it would." My eyes widen. "So your trying to kill me?" I asked.

"No!" Was all he said. "Then what is your plan?" I asked. "Mike if you don't get your hands off my girlfriend your going to have a problem." Oh yeah he's trying to kill me alright.

But then I saw a beam of light come out of Edwards hands aiming for Mike. I had to cover my eyes.

Then I could feel myself falling. I prepared myself to hit the floor but I didn't. I slowly uncover my head and turn and looked.

It was Edward that caught me. I gave a quick kiss on the cheek and told him thank you.

He put me down and I went to go see my son but Edward stopped me.

"About Mason." I slowly turned and looked at Edward. "What about Mason? You and dad saved him didn't you?" I asked.

Edward shook his head no. "It all happen so fast. One minute I had a hold of his hands and the next I didn't. He called me daddy. I tried so hard to save our son. God I just got him in my life." I turned and looked and Edward was turning his head.

I looked at his eyes and it was the first time I ever seen Edward cry. I walked up to him.

I put my hands on both sides of his face and lift it up to look into his eyes.

"It takes a lot for Mason to call you his daddy. Trust me I know. He knows you are his real dad but for him to say it that means a lot more. Plus you did everything you could and this wasn't your fault." I gently press my lips to his.

The little electrical shocks are still there. I could not help myself and deepen the kiss.

This is what I been missing. Edward pulled me closer to him. Then we pulled away and Edward leaned his forehead against mine.

He had his eyes closed. "God I missed you." I couldn't help but laugh at what he said. "I just thought the same thing." I told him.

"So do you want to get back together? Be a family were supposed to be?" Edward asked me.

"Only if you move in here because I love this house." Edward laughed. "Deal! I hate living at my parents house any ways." He told me.

"Now let's go meet with the group and figure out what to do from here." Edward said.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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