finding Mason

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             Bella pov

I walked to the fourth floor which had four bedroom on it.

My and Edwards, dad's and Mason, plus the one Chuck and Judy are staying in.

I knew in my old bedroom Mike was in. I took a quick look and he was in there hiding in the bathroom. I just back up and go backwards back out the door.

I walked into Mason bedroom and I see something on the other side of the his bed. I slowly walked to the other side of the bed and that's where I found Mason.

He turned his head and got up and ran to me and I caught him and picked him up.

"Come on son were going home." I told him. I walked out of his room and turned towards the stairs and started walking down them

I went to walk to the kitchen but we were blocked by some spirits. But they looked familiar.

I tilted my head and thought. They we're part of the clan. "Cover your face son" He buried his face into my chest.

I took my hand and pushed it back then pushed it forward and a energy ball went flying. I repeated it until they we're all gone.

I wrapped my arm around Mason and started walking again.

           Edward pov

We were taken out of our thoughts when we heard a noise upstairs. We all ran upstairs and all we could see is a light show going on.

Who was Bella fighting. Then I remembered the go pro I packed. "Follow me." I told them.

We went into the office and I opened up the laptop. I clicked on the go pro and the camera came on.

"Who are they?" Charlie asked. "They are part of the cult that Bella told me about." I explained.

I grabbed the laptop and we all ran downstairs to the basement.

I sat it down and saw two figures in here way again. The camera went down real fast and turned around and went back to where she came from.

          Bella pov

I couldn't get to the basement. Two figures blocked my way. I turned around and went back the way I came.

But I was blocked again. This isn't good at all. I thought Edward protection spell was supposed to keep them out.

"Edward if you hear me your protection spell didn't work." I went a different direction and that's when I saw my mother.

"How the hell she get in here?" I asked out loud. I looked around me and I blocked in. I looked above me.

"Hang on baby." I closed my eyes and could feel us come up off the ground.

I opened my eyes. "Wrapped your legs and arms around me as tight as you can buddy." I started climbing the ceiling making my way to the basement as fast as I could.

          Edward pov

"Get ready. She's going to come through any time." I told everyone.

We stood back to give Bella and Mason room. All we could do is wait and watch.

Then it happened. We seen Bella come through the ceiling and she has something wrapped in her arms as tight as she could.

She landed on the mattress. Charlie and I took off the climbing gear, back pack and go pro.

She was covered in some slime. I scooped her and Mason up in my arms and carried them upstairs to our bedroom.

I could feel everyone behind us. I went into the bathroom and gently laid them in the bathtub.

I kept taking my hand and scooping water on there faces. Then Bella took a big breath in.

She opened her eyes and looked down at Mason. He slowly opened his eyes. "Hi daddy." I couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"Hi son." I left Bella and Mason alone to get cleaned up. We all went down to the kitchen and had coffee to drink.

I felt a tug on my shirt and I look down to see Mason all cleaned up and in his pajamas.

I picked him up and put him in my lap and he leaned against me. He never said a word either.

Then I seen Bella come into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee before she sat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

I kissed the top of her head. "My mom some how is in the spirit world. I thought you put a protection spell up?" She asked me.

"I did! She couldn't even go past the gate. There is something else here." I told her.

She pulled away and looked at me. "What are you sensing Edward?" She asked me. "Evil! But there are other things here. Like the barn for one. The old man that Mason sensed is a killer. But he didn't live on this property." I told her.

"Just how much are you gifted?" She asked me. "More than I ever wanted to be. But I know now we're stronger together then we are apart." I told her.

"So when did you figure that out?" She asked me. "Let's just say when I tried to save our son and then again when we became one as a family." I told her.

She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "It would seem someone fell asleep on you. He feels safe with you." She told me.

"He never said a word to me when he came to me. I just knew he wanted to be held. I think we have a bed mate tonight." I told her.

"I don't mind one bit. It's been to long since I've seen him and held him in my arms." Bella told me.

"How about a day of rest and then we get rid of the bad spirits?" I asked her.

"I say that a very good idea." She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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