Part 24

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"Vacation" I lied. "With all those luggages?" He said. "Girls tend to take a lot of clothes and such on trips" i said tryna be calm. "I need to talk to you" he said. "About what?" I said. "I love you so much ... and I just wanna tell you I'm sorry." He said. "Sorry for what?" I said nervously. "Your dad he made me ki..." *POWWWW!* Jeremy fell forward. I seen a bullet hole thru his skull. I SCREAMED. My front door was still open from when Jeremy came in. All of a sudden I hear footsteps coming to my door. "He's really one dumb motherfucka, he actually fell in love with you instead of doing his job" my dad said entering in my house. "What are you doing here!" I yelled. "Because your now a witness and I have to kill you now daughter!" He said smiling. He then pulled out his gun. "Wait dad this isn't the way! Your gonna kill your own flush!" I cried. "Noooo... no no, your not my flush, your mom said she raised you alone so your her flush not mines" he said laughing. He walked up to me. "Open your mouth" he said. He pointed the gun in my mouth when I opened it. My mouth became dry. I cried so hard as the gun was in my mouth. I closed my eyes tightly. Well this is it, this isnt how I imagined how I would leave this cold world. "It won't hurt at all." He said looking me in my face smiling.


*POWWWW* !!!!


Romantic LiarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang