Part 27

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Then I woke up. I jumped up and open my eyes and looked around and I was in the hospital room. Was this all a dream?? "What's going on?" I said. "You was in a car wreck" my mama said. "MAAAAA!" I said grabbing her and hugging her. "Girl why you hugging me so tight?" She said. "Ma I had a nightmare, & you died in my dream." I said. "But I'm here now" she said. "Where's aunt Pam?" I said. "She went to pick Aubrey up from school she used my car" she said. My eyes grew big... in my dream that's exactly what ma told me. Did I have this dream for a reason. God is trying to tell me something. "Ma I don't want aunt Pam in here with me, only Aubrey can come in" I said. "WHAT? Why baby?" She said. I sat up in the hospital bed. "Ma I don't mean to freak you out but in beginning of my dream I woke up to this exact room and I asked about aunt Pam and you just told me the same thing that you had said in my dream." I said. She sat there and looked at me listening. "Then I asked you to get me water and you didn't come back because dad kidnapped you basically & killed you." I said beginning to cry. "Oh my God" she said. "Ma don't tell anybody!" I said. "I'm not baby and I won't!" She said. Aubrey and aunt Pam walked in. My mom quickly got up and told aunt pam I didn't want her in the room. "Why don't she want me here Ann?" Aunt Pam yelled. "She just needs sum space, she's been around you all week" ma said. "Me and Avery have been fine and all of a sudden she doesn't even want me in here, I know yo ass got sum to do with it!" She yelled. "You need to calm down." Ma said. Aunt Pam pushed my mom trying to walk in the room. Aubrey was already in the room and was standing by me holding my hand. Ma shoved her back and aunt Pam literally tried to fight my mom. "Mam we have to ask you to leave." The security told aunt Pam. "Fuck You ann! You've always been a jealous ass bitch! Won't even let me see my fucking niece!!!" She yelled as they walked her out. "Mommie are you okay?" Aubrey said. "Mommies fine baby." Ma said. "Mom we gotta leave Cali today!" I said. " but where we gonna go?" Ma said. "Noooo why? I just made captain for my team and now we have to move" Aubrey cried. " to Virginia!" I said.

Knowing that in my dream that Aubrey was there and safe with our other family was the best option I had to do.

In walks Jeremy..
"No no ma no he can't be in here either" I mumbled to ma. She got up fastly and told him I didn't want anyone in here with me beside her and Aubrey. He told her "okay" and then left. "Avery you making me look bad, what's the deal with you telling me to not let everybody in?" Ma said handing Aubrey her iPod and earphones.
I went ahead and told her the whole dream and everything that was said. After I got done telling her I had to ask about her and aunt pams situation. "So did you really take dad away from aunt Pam?" I asked. "It was wrong, very very wrong, every time I think about it i get disgusted with myself for doing my own sister like that. I was young and wild. I'm just glad I got two great girls though." She said. "I'm gonna call your uncle and tell them that we are coming there." She said crying a little.
A few mins later Jamal walked in. Mom jumped up. "No mom he can stay." I said. "Umm whattt? him? You sure?" She said. "Yes ma I know what I'm doing?" I said. "Are you okay?" Jamal said. "Yesss, but I need your help with something." I said. "Okay what's up" he said. "I know that you talk to a girl name Jayla.." I said. "How do you know???" He said. "Because that's Jeremy's sister." I said. "WHATTTT???" He said. "Yea and isn't she a stripper?" I said. "Yes I met her at a strip club" he said. "How much do you know about this girl?" I said. "The basic things, why?" He said. "She ever talk to you about her family?" I Said. "No.. well YES! Matter of fact she said something about her folks are scammers and she's a stripper because she wants to make enough money to get away from them." He said. "Look Jamal you've been a dog to me but one thing I can say is that you've never told any secret we kept between us." I said. "And I'll still never tell" he said. "I had a dream that Jeremy works for my dad, my dad is a cop, so he basically hired Jeremy to kill me." I said. He laughed. "It's just a dream Avery." He said. "No no no!" I said. I broke everything down to Jamal explaining to him how my dream was a sign for me and my family and I also shared with him that he got shot in my dream. I told him the rest and he got convinced.

"So I should break up with Jayla?" He said. "That would be smart" I said. "Yea because I don't need her brother tryna break into my office at work like he did to somebody last week. His sister told me about him doing that." He said. "Wait what!!! Somebody broke into my shop just last week too!" I said to him.

To be continued...

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