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Mira P.O. V

I felt myself hit the ground, the sudden thud forcing me awake. I looked around at the pillows that had fallen with me.

A horrible snapping sound came from beside me that sent full panic over my body.

My leash had snapped.

The lasting father had given me broke. I broke it. Not to mention I had no safety if I wasn't attached to something. Nothing was there to hide behind anymore. I felt the sting in my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks coating them in salt.

Even more panic filled my lungs with each breath. Donovan was going to find out and if he's anything like father he will be upset. How can I fix this? My lungs felt as if they were going to collapse.

Donovan must have heard me gasping for air. He shot up and looked at me, his eyes a deep red.

I cowered from him hoping he wouldn't come closer. His look shifted from me to the spot I had been laying, then to his wrist. I felt my back press against the wall as I tried to push further into it.

Donovan stood up and took the leash off his wrist, slowly making his way to the closet. My tears were streaming at this point, I couldn't hold them back.

This place was too strange. My leash was gone, if father found out he would punish me. I looked at my wrist feeling as if the air from my lungs was being sucked away. My head became light the more I thought, I was falling into a whole and the only thing I could think was how badly it would hurt.

Donovan came out of his closet dressed for the day. I watched him move closer to me as my pushed myself to the wall and held my knees to my chest.

He knelt down to me and put my chin in his hand. "Calm down. It had no value. Put this on we have to run some errands. His voice was stern, but he had tried to be gentle." He grabbed my arms and pulled me up and handed me the cloths. I walked to the bathroom quickly not wanting to risk angering him.

I looked in the mirror, my hair was crazy, it tangled together in my sleep. I took off the button up and shorts looking over my body, the bruises on my back where worse than I thought.

I pulled on the shirt he had given me. It ended up being a hoodie and then pulled on the pants, they were definitely too big for me.

I looked on the counter to see a brush and quickly used it to brush my hair. My shaky hands making of almost impossible. I set it down and looked over my face, tears had stained it.

I used the sleeve of the coat and whipped my face leaving a trace of red marks before opening the door. Donovan looked me over and grabbed the other end of my leash before moving toward me.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head waiting for a sting to hit me. It never did. Instead, I felt a small rug at my waist as he tied the leash around it holding up the pants.

He looked at my neck and took off the collar all together. "I'll get a new one." His voice was cold and careless. "For now if you really have to be led to places you can hold my hand." He held his hand in front of me, waiting for me to respond but I just looked at it. "Okay, then you can walk on your own." He sounded irritated again.

He opened the door and led me down the many hallways and stairs. My legs felt like they were going to give out, I had never actually walked this much before.

Eventually after a lot of uncomfortable silence we made our way to what Eleanor called the outside.

I remember seeing it yesterday, the light blinding me like it had. Someone must have turned it back on. The green floor caught my attention. It is quite odd for a floor to be green.

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