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Mira P.O. V
I had gained weight being here, I looked almost healthy. The reflection of my naked body in the mirror looked so weird to me, I could see the four small scars on my neck. Two of them were faded and two of them still slightly bruised and scabbed over.

I let out a sigh brushing through my freshly dried hair. Donovan must have snuck in and put my cloths on the counter. I grabbed them and slid the soft cloth over my body, I don't really like going to bed but it wasn't exactly my choice.

I felt heat rush to my face, looking in a mirror I could see myself blush. Donovan had given me a pair of underwear and one of his shirts, he must have forgotten pants.

I looked over my body, my pale skin looked nice compared to the black button up. Pushing my hair up to see me fully, I looked quite short, something I suppose I always have been. I turned to see the shirt covered my butt, just enough to be considered a very short dress.

Letting out a sigh and dropping my hair I reached for the door. Opening I could see Donovan holding open the door as someone walked in.

All I could do was freeze, his mother looked at me and got a huge grin on her face. “Oh Donny!” She threw her arms around me pulling me into a hug. “I knew she was perfect for you! I'm so glad to see you actually a couple!”

A couple? What does she mean a couple? I remember once father had gotten mad at Kyle for being a couple with someone, was that bad? I haven't thought about Kyle in a long time, I hope he is okay.

“Oh Donny the wedding is being planned for in a few months, I hope that's okay! I just want to make sure it happens!” Her smile widened to something inhuman, which, I suppose she is.

“Okay mom, well we have some stuff to do so...” Donovan rubbed his neck.

“Oh I bet you do” she winked at me and headed for the door. “Alright, well ill talk to you tomorrow, bring Mira your grandparents what to meet your girlfriend.”

Girlfriend? Is that another name for pet?

Donovan sighed and shut the door. He rubbed between his eyes. “Alright mother, we will be there.” He opened the door and started pushing on her shoulders as she left.

“Good!” Donovan's face became a nice shade of pink as the door shut.

A sigh left his lips as he slid down the door running his hand through his hair.

“G-Girlfriend?” My voice echoed in the room followed by the thump of his head hitting the door.

“I was going to tell you that she thinks we are dating but I didn't want to freak you out or anything.” His eyes studied me as I slowly made my way over to him.


“Its just for a little while until I can figure it out.” He paused watching me sit next to him, his gaze fixing itself on my neck. “How does it feel?” His fingers trailed over the soft skin, the coldness sending shivers down my spine.

“Good” the tiredness that had rushed over me through the past few hours starting to become apparent.

I rested my head against Donovan shoulder letting my eyes close. He started rambling but I could barely understand anything he said.

Donovan's P.O. V

Mira's soft snores had been filling my ears for what felt like forever. My head hurt from all this thinking I have had to do in the past few minutes. The look on her face when mom said girlfriend replace in my mind over and over, she was confused. I might be able to keep this up, if she really doesn't know what any of that means.

A small whimper rang through the room, I could feel Mira grabbing at my arms. I let my eyes open to see the dim lit room around me. Mira's grasps became harder before she let out a scream causing me to jump.

“Hey” I tried to shake her awake before she fell right into my lap. “Mira up!” The command came out as if she was a dog, her green eyes shot open and quickly adjusted to the room fixing themselves of me. Tears pooled in her eyes as she gripped my shirt softly letting out her cries.

“S-sorry” the shake of her body was warm, my shirt had lifted slightly on her lefts reviling her legs, a few dark marks across the top of her tight below her butt. Where did those come from? I didn't cause those so who did?

“It's okay Mira, just calm down okay?” I ran my hand through her hair waiting for her to calm down, her shakes almost worsened. Part of me didn't want to care and the other part wanted to hold her tight, unfortunately my thoughts were to consuming. I reached above me for her leash before attaching it to the collar around her neck, the sigh from her body almost instantly calming her.

“D-Donovan?” Her voice was weak and breathy, her eyes scared but tired.

“Yes?” I looked down at her and cupped her warm face into my hands. She gripped onto my shirt tighter before pulling away.

“Please don't leave…” her eyes fluttered before closing, her hair fell against her face trailing down past my shirt covering the newly discovered marks on her supposedly unmarked skin.

“I already told you Mira, I'm right here.” I lifted her up into my lap letting her head rest in the crook of my neck holding her there, the warmth of her breath felt nice on my cool skin. Soon soft snores took over again, she was calm this time.

Tomorrow's going to be along day, ma and papa aren't going to be thrilled about all of this. They wanted to pass down the power to me on my 300th birthday and here I am not married and not ready.

Authors note
Sorry this took so long, I had some life things I had to attend to.

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