114 8 2

Donovan P.O. V

Mira struggled to let me go, she grabbed at my hands something she has never done before.

“P-Please don't go” Her voice sounded scared like a child's as she dropped to the floor. I can't tell if she is trying to guilt me into staying or if she is actually scared. “I-I'll be good, I-I promise.” Her heart was slow, she was upset.

“Mira, I will be right back I promise. Then I'll stay with you.” I lifted her chin and whipped away some of her tears. Normally I wouldn't care that much about something, or someone for that matter that I owned. I can't tell if it's that sad look she is giving me or if it's that I don't want someone else to touch her.

She nodded and I slipped out the door watching as it shut. She stayed put, I half-way expect to see her there in that same spot once I get back.

I feel unsure about leaving her alone, but I am already half-way to my parents room, and I locked the room. I can hear my parents from here, my mother is going off about me per usual. Letting my hand press against the door and push it open only to see my mother sitting at the desk in the middle of the room holding a file with my name printed on it.

“Hey mom?” She looked up at me, I looked around to see my father wasn't in here.

“Yes dear?” She had sounded like she wasn't just yelling about me to herself.

“Um… I thought you should know.” Her eyes followed me with curiosity. “I um, Mira-” She cut me off.

“Oh good, I was starting to worry you didn't like her, Time was starting to run out.” A smile crossed her lips.

“Time was starting to run out?” I had so many questions.

“Yea, You have only one year left to get married before your father resigned his place and you take over...” She trailed off looking at my confused face.

“M-Married?” I questioned my throat felt dry.

“Oh… You and Mira aren't seeing each other?” Panic pricked my fingers, I can't tell her no, It feels like everything depends on me finding someone to marry, at least for now.

“N-no we are, I just wasn't g-going to tell you yet.” I stuttered, I never stutter. What if she could I'm lying.

“Oh good” A look of relief replacing the concern, she couldn't tell “I was hoping that you liked her, I know she's just human for now but that can change.” She was ignoring me slightly, Her smile got wider as she continued. “Yeah I was just reading your file actually, you're a much better fit than your sister and I think Mira will be perfect responsibility for you. She can grow into really anyone you want her to be.” I can't believe my mother was saying this, she had once been just like Mira, Scared, controlled, and wanting to be safe. Now she was telling me to make Mira whoever I wanted her to be.

Her eyes connected to mine. “Was there something else?” Her question rang in my ears.

“Um, John bit Mira, I was hoping we could do something about that.” She lifted her brow.

“I'll let your father know, I'm glad you said something rather than just going for the kill.” I nodded and turned. I could feel my hand shaking slightly as I reached for the door. I just lied to my mother, and she now thinks that Mira and I are... In a relationship.

I walked down the hallway trying to regain my thoughts. Mira had been with me for less than two months, I barely even liked her as a pet. I haven't even drank from her. Panic took me over the closer I got to my door. It's going to be suspicious if there is only one bite mark on her, That's the first thing vampires to do claim something is bite it.

I opened my door to be greeted by a sleeping Mira. She must have passed out while I was gone, She was laying in the same spot I left her in which means like I suspected she hadn't moved much.

Her hair lay effortlessly over her face and trailed down her pale arm, some of it wrapped around her fingers. She had changed into one of my shirts as I had asked her to do, well not exactly one of my shirts but I suppose that's what she chose.

My panic slowly lifted away watching her breath. I lifted her slowly into my arms to move her off the floor feeling her arms cling to my neck, her breath was hot against my skin. Her hair tangled against my arm as I looped it around her waist and the other under her knees. She mumbled softly before opening her eyes to look at me as I set her on the bed.

“No…” Her voice was soft a sleepy, her hands held tighter around my neck once I tried to move away from her. I sat next to her, and she held onto my hand, it felt like she was doing it for dear life. “Please don't leave again.” she was half asleep, probably didn't even know what she was saying.

“I'm here Mira, I'm staying.” She was quite cute, maybe marrying her or acting like a couple won't be so bad. I just have to get her to understand it.

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